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[noahs pov] 


I felt myself turn inside out, fold into a little box and get shipped to Australia, which is a unique way of saying I FUCKING EXPLODED.  GAH??? THIS GEEK IS SO WEIRD. I HATE HIM. IM NOT FUCKING GAY.

Just pull away and act disgusted, Noah.

I didn't let go.

I Just blankly stared at him. I felt weird. It's hard to describe, but I don't think I even want to. 

[codys pov] I grab his hand, and start rambling on for what we could do for the sleepover. I notice he looks kinda weird.. omg!! I grabbed his hand!!!!! I yell, and drop his hand. Did that seem too mean?? "I'm sosososo sorry Noah! I uh just got super excited and uh I don't really think about what I'm doing when I get excited and I'm not really aware of the person I'm speaking to and-"

"Cody. It's okay." He says. "We can have the sleepover if you want." I slightly smile and blush- out of embarrassment. "We should do our homework though." He suggests. We do have math homework, but I'm not very good at algebra- no, geometry?? I'm just good at basic math, or anything other than geometry and/or algebra. "Fineeee" I say.

After an hour of a painful tutoring/homework session, it was somewhere around 6:25. "Do you want to get dinner?" He asked as he put his paper back in his binder. "Uh sure! What do you have?" I'm a very picky eater so this might be hard..

-Eli :)     (please read the next chapter!! 253 words)

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