Nurse's office

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[codys pov] "what the hell dude?" Duncan said, angry. I tried to give him the meanest look possible, in attempt to intimidate him. It didn't work, that's for sure, but he just walked off, rolling his eyes. I picked the unconscious Noah up and he was surprisingly, but not so surprisingly, light. Then it hit me. I have no idea where the nurses office is!! "Oh no.." I mumble to myself. I get a very smart idea. (Or at least I thought it was..) I place Noah down in a stall. "Stay here.. okay?" I whisper to him. I look at him for a few more moments, and realize he is kinda cute.. wait! My parents would kill me if I was gay.. Cody! No time to worry about your sexuality! Noah could be dying!

I take the construction-paper-like paper towels and hold one up to my nose. I take some deep breaths and walk out of the bathroom to an adult. "Uhm- do you know where the nurses office is? I have a.. bloody nose." I'm so bad at lying!! Luckily, the adult had better things to do than talk to some new kid, so she just told my directions and I thanked her.  Once I made sure the hallway was clear, I picked Noah up again and bolt to the nurse's office. As I'm running to the nurse, Noah wakes up. "Cody?.." he mumbles. "Noah! You're awake!! You got knocked out by that mean guy.. but don't worry! The codemeister scared him off!" I say rather quickly, and he laughs at my statement. "My hero." I think I could hear him rolling his eyes. Is that possible? Probably not.

[noahs pov] I wake up with me in Cody's arms, (which made me blush a bit) and everything hurting. He explained everything that had happened whilst we were waiting for the nurse to get bandages. Duncan. You fucking jerk. "You should get back to whatever class you have.." I insist/suggest. "No way! I'm going to stay here with you." I knew he wasn't going to budge so I didn't argue. After an hour, the gap toothed boy was asleep. He looked so cute hen he was asleep.. I guess I've come to terms with my little "crush".  

His hands looked so delicate. I examine them and take in every little detail. It seems like he bites his nails, which is a bad habit but I can't talk because I pick my lips. Every detail on his hands makes me want to hold them even more. How did I not notice my feelings before? This feels soft and sappy.. ew. If you didn't notice, soft and sappy are not my personality traits, I would rather just be stuck up and mean. 

Holding peoples hands while they're asleep isn't that creepy, right? Probably a little, but not stalker level. Fuck it. I grab his hand. Wait. This is so stupid of me. I do that weird thumb thing, and trying to act normal.

(500 words!! -Eli!! XD)

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