the first letter

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[noahs pov]  I got to school earlier than usual because my dog woke me up at four in the morning and I couldn't get back to sleep. I go to my locker and Izzy pops up out of nowhere. "Hey Noah! Did you write the letter?? Let me seeee!" Izzy checks my bag for the letter. "Oh! Found it!" She holds up an envelope and tears it open. I hope she doesn't embarrass me when other kids walk in. "Okay okay okay, 'dear Cody, this is so corny but I'm being forced to confess or whatever. I really like you. I love your eyes and your smile with your little gap. I've been trying to hide it but I can't anymore. Hopefully my handwriting isn't too noticeable. I hate this. From, your secret admirer.'" She full on squeals and hugs me too tight for my liking. "Oh my godddd!!!!!! That was SO. CUTE." She slides it in his locker. Wait.

"Izzy. What did you do." I blankly stare at her. She did not just do that. "Well he has to read it, duh!" My jaw drops. "Anyways got to go! Hungry for breakfast, yknow? Okay byeee!" She walks away. I don't fucking know Cody's locker code so it's stuck in there. Just in there waiting for him to read. I'm going to self destruct I swear to god. "Hey Noah!" I turn around to see the last person  I want to see right now. "AH- oh hey cody." I say, trying to act like my normal self. "When did you get here?" He asks, opening his locker. I start to sweat while watching him put in the code. "Few minutes ago." He opens his locker and the letter falls out. Shit.

He picks it up and unfolds it. His eyes go from line to line, looking even more surprised every second. "NOAHHHH!!!!! LOOK LOOK LOOK" he waves the paper up to my face like I couldn't already see it. "What is that?" I ask, playing dumb. "ITS A LOVE LETTER!" I chuckle at him yelling out of excitement. He shoves it into my hands and lets me read it. I know what it says, so I just pretend. "How romantic." I say. He snatches it back. "It could be anyone here!! Hopefully it isn't that Sierra girl though, she's kinda creepy.. but anyways! Who do you think it is?" He seems like he's inspecting it. My palms get hot as fuck.


Saved by the bell, I guess. "Cya 4th period." I wave as I walk away. He says another thing but I can't really hear it due to everyone roaming around the halls. I fucking hate Izzy.

(446 words!! Ew another short chapter :( I'm trying though !! -Eli >:])

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