the final letter.

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[noahs pov] I wake up at 2 am with something instantly feeling wrong. I look around and try to remember what happened last night. Cody.. kissing.. sleeping.. where's Cody. I frantically pace around trying to convince myself that he's fine. He just went home.. right? Why the fuck would he go home at midnight? That's when I saw it. Though my blurry vision I could make out an envelope on my desk. My window is still open.

I rip open the envelope not caring If I wake anyone up. I try to shape the letters into words through the moonlight.

Dear Noah,

This is so hard to do this but I feel I have to. I'm running away, and I can't bring anyone with me. My dad found out about us and he's really homophobic and he's getting physical. I will never forgive myself for this, but I hope to see you sometime far from now. I love you so much. Perhaps we'll be together in another lifetime.

Love, Cody




no. not him. not tonight. not ever. this isn't happening. no. my lips tremble at the thought of him being gone. forever. not him. not cody. a tear rolls down my face as I drop the letter. one tear became 5, and 5 tears became 10. soon, I was sobbing. why didn't he take me with him? i loved him. no. I love him. it was quiet but all I could hear was codys voice. I feel like I'm choking on my tears as thoughts race around my mind. I immediately grab my phone and start texting him, not caring about spelling mistakes or if I add a period or not


You: Cody

You: cody

You: fucking answer

You: please

I look at my phone with hope that he'd reply. He'd go "April fools!" 4 months early. but then I realize. my texts are green. he's gone.

(316 words -Eli)

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