Slumber party

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[codys pov] OMG!!! So, I went over to Noah's house and then I found out he was the writer of those letters (which I kinda predicted but I won't make a big deal about it,) and then I KISSED HIM!!! I have no idea why I said I needed to go home, I wanted to stay there forever. After I left his house, I started silently screaming while I was walking over to mine. Wait. Uh oh. My house. My parents are kinda homophobic.. but as long as they don't know, it'll be okay! My parents aren't that bad, though I wish for better ones, they just aren't that.. supportive.

Wait.. but what if Noah was only kidding? And I KISSED HIM?????????? No, he wouldn't joke about that. Izzy probably set him up. I'll text her when I can! I walk through the door to my house  and go to my room after I say hi to my parents, my dad kind of drunk but just watching tv, and my mom beside him. I sit on my bed and have a few moments of silence, (If you ignore the gunshots from the tv in the background), to contemplate what just happened. I can feel myself smiling as I grab my phone.

You: hey Izzy! Can I ask u something? :]

Kaleidoscope??:  Yeah, what's happening??

You: ..did u set me up with Noah?

Kaleidoscope??: Whattt thats crazyyy ofc not!!

You: oh ok.. I kissed Noah


You: Thanks for telling me, izzy!! :D

                                                             THE CRAZY PPL!! (and Noah)

Owen!: Hey guysss slumber party at my house tonight!

Cute bookworm <3: a slumber party? are we a group of 6th grade girls now?

Kaleidoscope??: Well you run like a girl sooo

Cute bookworm <3: fuck off.

You: I'll be there at 6 Owen!!

You: Noah u have to come pleaseeeeee :(

Cute bookworm <3: fine.


(Yippie we're finally getting somewhere!! Anyways congrats, you have read 9357 words up to this point! hooray! Anyways, 317 words! -Eli!! :^D)

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