Mario kart

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[codys pov] I look around, searching for something that could entertain us. Wait.. is that??? A wii!!! "Do you have Mario kart??" I ask him, pointing to his wii. "Uh, yeah." He answers. I gasp. "Do you wanna play?????" I kinda loudly say. He rolls his eyes and says, "fine." He seems annoyed but I'm sure that's just his way of being friendly!..

[noahs pov] he is so annoying. Why did I let him in? "So..why did you want to hang out." The question just slipped out of my mouth. I didn't want to sound desperate or something. It seemed like he got very nervous. "O-oh! No reason!.." he awkwardly chuckles. Something  is wrong, but I don't hover. I don't even care for this guy.

As I set the wii up, Cody gets a blanket from the corner of my bed. It's a bit of a mess, but I'm sure he doesn't mind. The geek sat on the floor leaning against my bedpost. Weird. I hand him his controller as I take a seat next to him on the carpet and start the game.

After a few rounds of me winning, Cody starting talking to me about Pokémon?.. It seemed a little weird but I didn't say much about it. It felt like he was talking for hours, which he probably was. I'm not complaining, after all I guess I'm his.. mutual. Yeah. Mutual. "No!! You won again???" He whined. "I guess I'm just too good," I say, breaking a smile and shrugging. I'm basically a god  at Mario kart, considering that all of my siblings force me to play it and I play it when I get too  bored (Which is very often).

Cody rage quit, and there was nothing to do. "How long are you gonna be staying?" I hint, but I don't think he picked it up. "Hmm... I don't know, it's only 5!" He shrugged. He gasped like he was just rewarded one million dollars for breathing. "WHAT IF WE HAVE A SLEEP OVER????" He quickly grabbed my hand and held it up to his chest.

-Eli >:3     (347 words)

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