"I guess."

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[noahs pov] i hear knocking, and all of a sudden Cody just shows up at my damn door. He's awkwardly smiling and fidgeting with his fingers. "Can we hang out?" 


absolutely not.

never in a million years.

anything but yes.

"i guess." 

Fuck. Why did I let him in? If anyone else abruptly showed up at my door I would've laughed and shut the door in their face. Why didn't I do that to Cody?

He seemed nervous, but I didn't question it. "So what do you want to do?" I ask him. His face lit up. "Can I see your room?"


why would you even think that?

It's boring.

"Sure." I shrug.

Im so. fucking. STUPID. What has this geek ever done for me?

[codys pov] Noah's room was kinda... bland. There were so. many. books. It was kinda scary

-Eli XD         (I'm sosoososososososo sorry this is a short chapter but I am so tired I cannot think straight; 148 words)

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