his number.

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[codys pov] we o already ate breakfast, so there wasn't much to do.. I guess I could go home? I would probably just get yelled at for having a sleepover without telling them. I could survive though. 

"I should probably go." I tell him. "Finally"  he says while rolling his eyes, but after he smirks so I know he's joking.. I think. I was never really good with sarcasm. I started to walk to the door but I realized I forgot something!! "Oh wait!" I spat out while running to a piece of junk paper and a pen that was relatively close. I wrote my number down for him, even though I know he would rarely text. I give the paper to him, even though it was in his own home.. "here ya go! If you ever need help, just contact the codemeister!" I say while pointing to me and doing a cool smirk at him. "... thanks I appreciate it." He says, a little disturbed. "Bye Noah!!" I wave goodbye to him. "Bye geek."           (A/n: this is kinda in present times!!) 

[noahs pov] he gave me his number. What does he want me to do? Text him, "hey, you gave me your number and I was wondering if we could be best friends!"


I never gave him my number, therefore if I do not text him first, we can't text. I'll just say I lost it- but that geek would just write it down again. I cant lose 37 times, now can I? I just stare at my phone for a solid 10 minutes, typing and deleting stuff (and screaming so loud into my pillow I think only my dog could hear it. I just type and send it super fast, closing my eyes while doing so: "hi." 

no response.  

(301 words!! -Eli >_<)

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