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[codys pov] I'm a little scarred from what happened in the bathroom, but I don't want to question it... I start waking to the cafeteria and see the tan boy arguing with someone. I have no idea who it is but I overhear them saying something about a new kid being Noah's boyfriend?.. Wait— I'm the new kid. That guy is just teasing right? There's no way Noah could like me..right? We aren't gay, right? I'm not gay!! Oh yeah, I have to follow him to the table. 

Sense people were flooding the hallways, I kinda lost Noah.. I finally get to the cafeteria, and I look around to catch Noah. I spot him immediately. He really isn't hard to find because he's the only one reading at lunch. The table was next to a wall, and not very full.. there was only three people sitting there. A girl with orange hair, a blonde boy, and of course, Noah. I have no idea why, but my heart is pounding, like, sooo hard right now..

[noahs pov]  Fucking great. The gap-toothed boy was walking over to us. "Is this your table?" he asks. "No. We're just eating at a random table." I sarcastically say. To be honest, I don't think he understands sarcasm much.. Izzy ambushes him as soon as I said that. "Don't mind Noah! He's sooo grumpy all the time. I'm Izzy! I also go by kaleidoscope, E-scope for short! What's your name?" She questions him while aggressively shaking his hand. "I am not  grumpy." I argue before he could answer Izzy's question, "I just have better things to do than talk to some new kid."  Shouldn't Owen be excited aswell? Wait- "Where's Owen?!?!"

After we found Owen, he did basically the same stuff izzy did, and Owen asked for his name. Honestly, I forgot it too, so I was listening. "Cody." He says. I can tell he was a bit confused, but I would be too if I was invited to this table on my first day here. The more that I look at him, the more pretty I realize he is. As a friend. I said that as a friend.

[codys pov]  I notice Noah is staring at me, but I don't think much of it because everyone else at the table was staring at me too, I was getting a little uncomfortable. I guess I'll sit next to him. I take a seat and start eating my lunch. Izzy or- E-Scope???? was interrogating me about my life story. Noah sighs and rolls his eyes while glancing up from his book. "Stop it Izzy. You're scaring him." Izzy crosses her arms and turns to Owen to talk to him.

"Hi Noah!!!" I greet him, excitedly. "hey." He says in a flat tone. It getting a little too boring.. maybe I should ask Noah what book he's reading! "What are you reading?" Noah looks up at me. "Pride and Prejudice." I have no idea what prejudice means. "Do you like music??" I ask, trying to start a conversation. It's a little hard to talk to someone that just reads every second of the day though. "I mean I guess I listen to Lana Del Rey or Alex G sometimes but I prefer books." He answers. omg omg omg!!!!!! I shouldn't get too loud- but it is the cafeteria so I can be loud. "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR MUSIC TASTE!!! WHATS YOUR FAVORITE SOMG FROM ALEX G???? I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE PRETEND OR RACE!!" 

[noahs pov] I think could feel my hair blowing back. "I like..break or things to do" I (clearly) fake smiled. He was smiling so big his gap was clearly showing. Why did he get so excited when he was around me? I guess he noticed that I was looking at his smile and he closed his mouth. 

We kept talking about our interests and I think I went a little out of character while I was talking to him. Something about him just makes me come out of my shell. God, that's so cheesy. The bell rang and lunch was already over. Damn it. "Bye Cody. I'll see you if we have the same class I guess." I slipped back to my same old self.

-Eli! >:D        (sorry If this is a slow burn; 717 words)

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