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[codys pov] my eyes shoot open as I'm being shaken by Noah to wake up. Crap!! I must've fallen asleep while waiting for Noah to get better. My left hand is colder than it was before, but I ignore it. "You have classes, yknow?" I only make that out while he's lecturing me on getting back to class. "Yeah, yeah, one second." I sleepily stand up and yawn. Smiling at him, I ask, "what period are we in?" Noah looked at the clock, thinking. "I would say about.. 7th?" He shrugs. "Oh, okay!" I wave and just stand there for a few seconds. "..see ya!" I finally say as I walk out of the nurse's office. Halfway to my class, the bell rings, signaling the end of the school day. Hopefully I don't get in trouble for "skipping" 2 periods!

I love having a locker next to Noah. I get to blabber to him about my day and he criticizes me for my messy locker, but it's probably a joke! Noah has this little whiteboard in his locker and I write something new for him everyday on it!! I usually just draw faces or stars or hearts. "So how's your.. face doing?" I ask him. He looked a little.. rough. "It's tolerable" he answers while shrugging. I guess that's better than unbearable pain, so I just smile at him. 

It was pretty cold walking home, but I did move here in like September so it's bound to be chilly. It's about a 5 minute walk, and Noah being a fast walker makes it 4. "See you tomorrow!" I wave at him while turning to my house. "Bye, geek." Even though I can't really see him, I hear a smile in his voice. I think I have a smiledar in my brain. Or my ears. Whichever one works.

The math homework was so. hard.  Who cares about algebra? I could ask Noah, but I think it would be too pushy and clingy. While I was overthinking, my hands had a mind of their own and starting texting. 

You: hey Noah!! Can you help with the math homework?? :]

Noah-it-all: Sure, but I can't promise an A. Math isn't my strong suit.

You: be there in 15 seconds!

Noah-it-all: I'm counting.

I run out of my room and put on my shoes. I book it to Noahs house, a little worried I might get hit by a car. Luckily, I didn't!! Panting, I ring his doorbell and await for him to open the door. "12. 13. Hey Cody- uh.. You look.. rough."

(422 words!! and yes I did name the title after tay tays song -Eli!! :p)

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