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[codys pov] it's almost 8:30 already! I plan to go to sleep at around 10, or whenever I feel like it. I also saw Noah yawn earlier, so he's tired too. "Should we watch a movie till we fall asleep?" He asks. "Sure!! What movie?" He shrugs but I answer my own question. "Ooo! What about Coraline? I really like that movie" "Sure."

He turns the tv on, and I'm glad he thought of watching a movie because I sleep easier with background noise! He had a window next to his desk, and I could see the moon. The houses weren't two stories, but they were a decent one story house. 

Noah was on the right side of me, and as the movie went on he kept yawning, and I was yawning, too. I'm guessing it was about 9:00 when I fell asleep? I'm pretty sure Noah was still awake, though.

[noahs pov] Cody fell asleep, which is completely okay to me because I could finally turn the movie off. I was tired as hell, but I just couldn't fall asleep for some reason. Great. I cant find the damn remote. I guess I can just wait till the movies over. I have a hard time falling asleep to noise, but I think the geek is the actual exact opposite of me. It's.. weird. 

All night, there was this question racing around in my mind: why did he want to have a sleepover with me? For starters, we only met today.  Secondly, I'm probably the least fun person to be around. But he just abruptly showed up at my door, all nervous and awkward. What had happened? I turn my head over to him. He's actually kinda.. cute. Shit. No. That was just my  stupid brain talking. Not me. Totally different things.

Nope. I'm sleeping. Fuck all of this. This is stupid.

I'm stupid. 

Hes stupid. 

Everything's stupid.

(314 words!! -Eli xP)

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