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[codys pov] Noah left really urgently, so I hope he's okay! He seemed a bit nervous, but I don't think I said anything wrong.. did I? A few seconds I see Duncan storm out of the bathroom, rolling his eyes and mumbling curses. What did Noah do?.. 

Time skip to lunch 

I head to lunch, excited because I get to talk with noah again! And ask him about earlier. I still haven't memorized what lunch table we sit at but I remember the people! I take a seat next to Noah again, and everyone usual is at the table. Izzy and Owen talking about who knows what and Noah reading. They like to joke about this being the "cool kids" table. "Hey Noah! What happened earlier today?"

[noahs pov] he just appeared out of nowhere, and with my luck, he asked what happened. "I had  to go to the bathroom.." I shrugged. "Oh okay, it's just, you seemed really nervous!" He said. Well no shit Sherlock, in those 15 seconds I had discovered I had a crush on you and I was fucking gay.  I thought to myself. After that was cleared up and I ate most of my food, I genuinely had to go to the restroom. I stood up and said that I would be back. As soon as I walk in to the bathroom I see him.

Duncan's stupid smirking face. How the hell does this guy appear wherever I am? "Look highlighter,  i have to piss. So If you could move that would be perfect." Of course he didn't move. "Or not, that's amazing too."  "I still haven't gave you a taste of your own medicine." He cracks his knuckles to make himself look more badass but it's just embarrassing. I knew this guy was going to beat the absolute shit out of me so I guess I could be as sarcastic or spiteful as I wanted. "Actually, I was give you a taste of your own medicine because you kept-" I was shut up by a punch in the face. I guess I'll see Cody at my funeral. It went black.

[codys pov] I looked down at my bouncing leg, them back at the cafeteria entrance. Noah should be here by now! It's almost time to get back to class. I stand up, and tell Izzy and Owen I'm going to look for Noah. I walk inside the bathroom to see Noah PASSED OUT!!!  With Duncan beside him.. I could feel my hands ball up. I knew I couldn't fight him, much less punch him, but I could still do something. I was chewing a part of my lunch right before I got here, and I still haven't swallowed it. I spit it out onto my hand, (gross, I know, but for Noah!!!) and threw it at him. I instantly regretted that, but I cant think about it now! I have to get Noah to the nurses office!

(490 words! -Eli :D)

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