Lovely morning.

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[noahs pov] I wake up, (I have no idea when I went to sleep, after all of that overthinking. Which had never happened before, I must point out.) and I notice I'm CUDDLING CODY. WHAT THE HELL?? okay Noah, just get up. for some reason, I didn't want  to. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, he FUCKING WOKE UP. I pretend I've been asleep this entire time, and wake up a second after he does. I swear I have  the worst ideas. We just stare at eachother for a bit. It isn't awkward, it's like we're trying to decide what to do. I just sit up and we stare at each other for a little more. I can feel warmness in my face.. ew. Now it's awkward. "Uhm- good morning." I spat out. "Good morning!.." he nervously says, fidgeting with his hands. "We should get breakfast." I suggest. "Uhh sure!" He answers.

[codys pov] I wake up from an okay nights sleep when I see.. NOAH CUDDLING ME?!?! Omg omg omg omg!!! We woke up at basically the exact same time, and we make eye contact for a good 5 seconds. Finally, he sits up and says, "Uhm- good morning." I can feel myself fidget with my hands and blush.. "Good morning!.." I said back. I really glad he was the one who talked first, because if I was the one who was supposed to speak, we would be sitting there for hours..

He suggests to get breakfast and I agree, to get out of this situation we're in, so I guess I'll have cereal? I really like fruit loops or lucky charms!! The microwave said 10:36, and I usually wake up at around 9-10 so I slept in!! I must've been really tired. Good news, Noah had both fruit loops and lucky charms!!!! Bad news, I'm indecisive.. "Hey Noah! 1 or 2?" I yelled for Noah, because I figured he could make the decision for me. I was a little hesitant to talk to him, considering what happened a few minutes ago.. "8." He says flatly. Oh right, I kinda forgot I was talking to Noah. "Thanks.." I say with a disappointing tone. 

Once I finally pick out my choice of cereal, (fruit loops) I get my bowl, milk, and spoon. I pour the milk in the bowl then the cereal, and I turn over to see a terrified Noah. "What?.." I ask, genuinely. "Just.. nevermind." he says, putting his hand up and turning back around to butter his toast. (A/n: HELP I ALMOST TYPED "to toast his butter")

(430 words!! -Eli X3)

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