the third letter

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[noahs pov] okay so far I've been outed, found out that Cody's gay again for some reason, and got asked to play Minecraft at my house by the same guy. I love today! Wow! He probably knows who is writing the letters and now hates me for it because I'm so fucking creepy. Oh yeah, I'm also walking home with him.

I'm trying to listen to him, but its hard with all of these thoughts racing around in my brain. He always hold the straps of his backpack like a geek. It's cute. Finally, we got to my house. Cody said that he'll be there in 5. I place my backpack down in my room and the irrational thought pops into my mind that I had time to write a third letter. If I half-ass it, I could make corrections in the morning when I wake up. After all, Cody is probably going to be here until like, 8:00 so I better make use of the time I have now. He loves being here for some reason, why? Or maybe he just hates being at his house. Either way is a valid choice. 

I sit down at my desk with the damn window open. Why is it always open? I guess I just never get the energy to close it. I start writing whatever I can work out, and I'm not totally sure what I'm writing, my vision is blurry because of how fucking fast I'm writing this thing, I didn't even know it was possible. My handwriting is all sloppy and messy, but it'll do. I hear the door bell. Shit. I shove it into an envelope and hide it under my other papers. Wow, great idea, Noah! He totally isn't going to find out.

I RUN downstairs and answer the door. "Hi Noah!" He greets me. "You don't need to say hi every time we see eachother, we just separated for like 2 minutes." "Actually, 4 minutes!" " counted?" I scoff. "Nerd." Of course, I don't actually mean it. I let him in and we walk up stairs. My palms are sweaty from the nervousness of him finding the envelope. He'll find out everything. I'm fucked.

"So should we start a survival or creative world?" Cody asks whilst sitting on the floor. "I don't know, you choose. I think survival is more fun though." I strongly hint to him as i set it up. I toss him his controller and he says, "survival it is then!"

 After a few hours of Cody screaming because of those damn creepers, me telling him to shut the fuck up, and him sleeping in my spare bed on multiple occasions, Cody rage quits because he tried to give a bone to a dog but then accidentally hit it and it killed him. Bad luck, I guess. I was building our house while Cody was mining/hunting. It was a lot of fun. "So what should we do next? Die on super Mario brothers?" I chuckle to myself even though that was probably the shittiest joke ever. I was expecting him to go ballistic on me but he just said, "oh, shut up!" He laughed while jokingly hitting me in the arm. I fucking evaporate.

We just talk for a bit and read some comics cody just pulled out of his ass, until we're done with the last one. "Uh, where should I put these?" He asks. "Where the hell did they come from?" I question his question. "I just brought them here, I don't have a bag." "Just put it literally anywhere." He nods and walks over to my desk.

shit. no. anywhere but there. please.

"Woah are these your drawings?" He asks. No. Fuck. I am quite the artist, but can you notice it later?? he starts picking up papers. And he gets to it. "What's this?" oh my god. "School work." I blurt out. He starts reading it.


after line.

after line.

after line 


until finally, he gets to, "regards, your secret admirer."

he looks back up at me.

I look at him.

he smiles.


He runs up to me and embraces me into a big hug. "I like you too!" He mumbles into my shoulder. He actually likes me back? I hug him back even though I'm not a huge hugging fan. He lets go and stares at me for a few seconds. I do the same. He kisses me. 


holy. shit. I kiss back passionately, and we both sit on the bed. We didn't lay down. We just sat. His hand slides up and down against my arm, dipping his fingers into the hem of my sleeve. Ive dreamed of this. I'm so glad he likes me back. His legs are somehow over mine, Cody being inches away from sitting in my lap. He breaks the kiss, both of us panting. He smiles at me and I smile back. "I should probably get home." Cody breaks out of the dream we're both living in. "Oh yeah. Right." I want to sob. Why does he have to go home right those minute? It isn't even 7. He kisses me on the cheek and waves goodbye. He exits my room, leaving his comics on my desk. I guess I can bring them back tomorrow at school.

what the hell did I write in that letter?

(tee hee I made it get good!! 888 words! -Eli :P)

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