tolerate it

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[codys pov] "who do you think it is?" I ask Owen and Izzy. They both look at Noah then back at me, which is pretty suspicious. I hint to Noah a little. "It's says that I probably don't even like guys which determines that it's a guy." "Well do you?" Owen asked. I hesitate. I'm not sure, do I? Maybe I do have romantic feelings for my guy friend, and I've never had a girlfriend because I don't like any girls, but that doesn't make me gay!! Does it? "It's okay codes! We don't discriminate! After all, Noah's gay!!" She slams a hand over her mouth and giggles. Noah is too stunned that she said that to say something sarcastic or roll his eyes. I break the uncomfortable silence with, "I think I might be.."

[noahs pov] okay so,


She outed me infront of.. CODY. And, he also might be gay. Which is a good thing I guess. But now, Cody probably knows who his "secret admirer" is. And I don't know if this is clear to you, but I am the most awkward person when it comes to love. I don't need an entire relationship. I'm going to beat Izzy's ass. I give her a death glare and roll my eyes, returning to my book. Reading each line quicker than the last, I try to drown out the noise. It doesn't work. God, I probably look like I'm going to shit myself..

Lunch felt like an eternity, and of course I have the next class with him. Usually, I would tolerate school, staying on top of my work, getting good grades, having mediocre friends, but now, I can BARELY tolerate it. I mean, sure, I used to love it because I could talk to Cody and hear his cute little rants and-


I hate it.

I hate him.

(PLEASE READ NEXT CHAPTER!! 318 words!! -Eli! >_<)

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