Couch shenanigans

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(Why the fuck did I name this couch shenanigans I'm cackling) 

[noahs pov] So, I got dragged to this stupid "slumber party". And I know it's going to be awkward as fuck because me and Cody just kissed. I don't need to pack much, just some clothes and a book. I'm supposed to be there at 6.. shit. It's 5:48. Owens house is pretty far but not too far so I can walk. I grab my stuff and start fast-walking to his house. 

I finally get there at like 6:01, and of course everyone else is already there so it's embarrassing. "Noah! You came!" Owen embraced me into a  big hug.. a little too big. I could feel my insides get crushed. After Owen finally left go, Cody waved to me. "Hey noah!.." he smiled at me. "Uhm.. hi." Wow! I'm amazing at socializing! "Can we get in? It's a tad cold out here." I say, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Oh! Right. Come on in!" Owen opened the door and we all walked in. His house had two stories, but overall it was pretty normal in size. "Where would we sleep?" Cody asked. "Me and Izzy can sleep on my bed, and you guys sleep on the couch?" Owen suggested. Of course me and Cody have to sleep together. 

The rest of the night was pretty normal, we were all acting like crazy teenagers (even me, believe it or not) until around 3 am we decided to get some rest, or at least calm down a little. The couch was surprisingly big. Big enough for two people to sleep on, fortunately. "So.. what side do you want?" He asked. "Well, what do you want the arrangements to be? Like we sleep by eachother or you sleep on one end and I sleep on the other, and stuff." "We could sleep by eachother, if it's fine with you!" I could feel my face get red at that sentence.

After we got settled, it was pure silence. I felt the awkwardness in the air. Finally, Cody spoke up. "Did you mean everything you said.. in the letter." Actually, I would rather it be quiet. "Mhm." I answer. He rolls towards me and our faces are inches apart. "So.. what does that make us?" He asks. "I don't know, what do you think?" I ask, actually sincere. He hesitates for a second. "Boyfriends?" The thought of me and Cody dating was.. amazing. "Sure." I smile at him. I want to kiss him so bad right now, but I can't. I just cant.

Nevermind, he beat me to it.

(433 words!! I'm still crying over the title I can't. -Eli! :^0)

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