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[codys pov] i plop next to a boy and i can already tell he is gonna be my friend! "What's your name?" I ask. He sighs and rolls his eyes, "Noah." He says quietly. Noah. He kinda seems like a Noah. I've never met any Noahs before though..

All throughout class, he was reading some boring book— I hate reading. I just try to pay attention to the board and not him. Well, he is a little attractive but— wait! Cody, you can't like guys, you ARE a guy!1!!1!1!1! I smack my head, and Noah glances up at me, then back to his book. I kinda forgot he was there. Whoops.


[noahs pov] Hooray, it's lunch time, where 200+ kids are eating and yelling at the same time. Lovely. I quickly grab my lunchbox and prepare for izzy ambushing me with questions about that new kid. What was his name again? Don't know, don't care.

Izzy jumps out of a vent, which I hadn't seen before, but oh well. "Ah, there you are." I say in a sarcastic tone. "Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat????" Izzy walks backwards, excitedly. How did I get stuck with her as a friend? "Hm?" I raised my eyebrows. "I invited the new kid to our lunch table!!!!!"

Fuck. I roll my eyes but really, I'm dying, "oh don't be so grumpy, there is plenty of open seats at our table," she laughed, but she was right. There's only 3 seats taken at our table, "and I saw you talking to him!" I immediately question her, "How do you know that?" She was grinning. "Sources" I assume when she said sources she meant spying on us through the vents.

"Hay fairy! Excited about the new kid? Wondering if he's going to be your boyfriend" a familiar voice teases. Ah yes, the one thing I need right now; the stereotypical homophobic bully. "You look like a green highlighter with staples." I say in a flat tone to Duncan. (a/n: I have no idea why Duncan is the bully in all of these fanfics I'm just going to go with it and you will too) Luckily, the ocean of people trying to get to the cafeteria blocked Duncan from punching me or teasing me more.

-Eli >:3     (368 words!)

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