mac n cheese cups

205 4 14

[noahs pov] 


actual ass.

I think my brain just turned to mush, and I spat out whatever he wanted to hear. why did I do that? now I have to have a sleepover with that fucking geek. god dammit. Im not angry im just- agitated. I know it isn't his fault, it's my stupid brains fault. 

we had some of those little mac n cheese cups because he wouldn't eat anything else, and I was quite hungry. "so where should we sleep?" he asks me as he's eating his food. I shrug and say, "in my room?" We were not  going to sleep in the same bed. And besides, I only have a twin sized bed, so it could probably barely fit the two of us. "Yeah but like, where?" he questioned. I roll my eyes and answer, "we can sleep on the floor." shit. why did I say 'we'? too late to take it back I guess.

I feel myself yawn, I am I bit tired considering that Cody made me miss my daily nap. Now my sleep schedule is going to be even more fucked up than it usually is. "We can set up the pillows and blankets and stuff." I suggested after he finally  finished his food. He is a slow ass eater. "Yeah sure!!" He says, overly excited. Why is this kid so excited to hang out with me? It's unnatural.

His smile towards me shows his stupid gap. I haven't really closely observed him. He had chestnut brown hair, with bangs in his face all  the time. He has a gap between his two front teeth. Like, if you put dweeb and geek together— you'd have Cody. I'm not saying he's ugly, it's actually the opposite. He's very- I don't know how word it- attractive. Not in a weird way, of course. I don't like dudes like that. 

[codys pov] the sleepover is official!!!! The first sleepover I've had since I moved into the neighborhood, and the first sleepover I've had in like.. a year.. I wasn't too popular in my old school, but I just figured that people were too intimidated by the codemeister, but who wouldn't be? 

Noah had sooo many comfy blankets and pillows! I picked the comfiest ones, and laid them on the floor, and so did Noah. I started to blush as I thought about sleeping next to him, but I'm sure it was nothing!..

(402 words)

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