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"That's so sick!"

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"That's so sick!"

"Astra," I repeated following her as she led me out of the ship.

"Only rich people are here, they only took rich people Sol," She ranted on, cutting another corner and almost bumping into one of the metal beams before I gently moved her out of the way.

I used her shoulders to turn her around so we could now be facing each other, "Astra we're stuck on this planet."

"Most of earth is below sea-level Sol, so many people are dead," She sobbed, rubbing her hand over her face, "At least the rich people had places to go on earth what about everyone else, where did the people left behind go?"

"Astra this was our only way out," I looked for her eyes but she didn't even seem to be listening to what I was saying, "We're standing in the vehicle that was supposed to get us out of here Astra and there are holes all over it."

"I don't understand, they could've taken all of them," Tears continued to pour down her face, "Why didn't they take all of them?" I didn't have an answer for her so she continued to the repeat the question as if waiting for someone to give her a reply.

I stopped her, putting my hands on both sides of her face and holding her still, "Astra, Astra," I shook her slighty, "Astra breathe," I begged her, my thumb darting out to catch her tears, "Breathe, breathe."

Her hand went over mine, weaving our fingers "Sol, we need to help them," Her bottom lip wobbled, "How do I help them?"

"We need to help ourselves first."

'Sol? Sol wherever you guys are you need to brace yourselves'

I frowned looking down at my flashing communicator, "What?"

The building shook so violently and suddenly the golden lights were a dark orange. Astra and I were thrown against the ship structure and my hand grabbed one of the beams whilst my other hands wrapped around Astra's waist to keep us both stable and upright.

A few more crashes exploded from the left side of the dome and they were smaller but still had the ship we were on tilting and shaking which made me gulp. I pressed my communicator, "Tempest, Tempest! What's going on? what did you-

Another large crash sent both Astra and us off our feet and before I could blink we were being thrown out of the ship. I landed back first on one of the ships wings that was pointed downwards, crying out as my shoulder burned.

"Sol! Sol!"

My head snapped towards Astra who was sliding off of the side of the side of the flat metal. I dived for her, grabbing her hand before she could slide off and using my lower hand to keep my grip steady.

The orange flashing light above us was drowned in the dark emptiness beneath us, so much so that I could almost not see the bottom. "Sol, Sol," Astra pleaded, making my wrist ache as my shoulder struggled to pull her up.

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