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"You guys look like shit

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"You guys look like shit."

I'd never been more happy to see a familiar face. "Could've given us a heads up before you broke Deimos free," I grumbled.

"The only reason why I'm able to even be here is cause practically every human in the dome is trying to patch up the hole we made," She took off her helmet and dropped it on the floor, "Seems like I came right on time too," She eyed the laser, "The fuck is going on?"

"They're trying to break our handcuffs," Astra explained, "The keys are obviously not anywhere to be found to burning a hole through them is their next big idea."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

I sighed, "Unfortunately for me, these chains are the only things 'saving my life' and stopping Astra over here from getting taken," I rolled my eyes at the idea of any of the humans killing me much less getting close enough to lay a finger. "Please tell us you come with good news."

"Depends," She eyed the laser as she rounded my cage to get a closer look at it, "Did you guys find a ship?"

Astra sighed, "They took theirs apart for spare metal."

Tempest snorted, "You think with a place like this everything would be a lot better planned out but it was rushed," She rolled her eyes, "Like everything else about the humans."

This got Astra's interest, "I thought this place was built before they invaded...like when they were still friends with Mars."

This made Tempest laugh as she ran her fingers over the laser, "You think we'd have let them build this? It's hideous," She shook her head, "They made this randomly in the middle of the war, I would never tell one but it kind of gave them an advantage because we could no longer see what they were doing."

"Why didn't you guys stop them from building it?" I asked, confused as to how they let them even begin building it. Especially if it was a rushed as they said.

"We were dealing with their hundreds of armies, Sol," She continued to fiddle with the machine, "There were so many of them, so many that they kept throwing them at as even when we slaughtered one," Her feathered face tilted, "I found out later that people were basically brought here just to fight."


Tempest's hands ended up finding something and the laser stopped blasting it's beam. She grinned triumphantly and Astra and I watched her as she dug her heels and leaned back before slowly turning the weapon. I put my hands up defensively when the mouth of the laser and I were not face to face, "Hey, hey!"

All I could see was her feathers poking out at the end of the gun, she brought her head out and gave me a sheepish smile, "My bad," She began turning it again, checking where she was pointing it every few pushes before settling with it pointed at the thick lock that held my cage shut.

A lock I would've been able to break if my abilities were not being stunted.

"Can I turn it on?"

I narrowed my eyes to follow an invisible line from the laser to my lock to see if it would hit target before nodding. "Yes."

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