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"I can't believe you got yourself in trouble on your first day. With a werewolf at that." Gabriel laughs while they make their way to the music club.

They've already parted ways with Shadow after she got a call from Emily. Gabriel remembered that Bright was originally searching for the music club so he ought to take the nomad with him.

They've reached the building of the club and when they got inside, it obviously looked like the audition is already over.

"Hey Gab! Where the hell have you been?!" One of the members yelled at him, he's a beta just like the head of the entire club.

"Yo! I saw you on the school's website! You look hilarious!" Another member yelled as he passed them while carrying a big cello back to where they keep the instruments.

"Where's Lilac?" He asked ignoring their teasings.

"She's in the storage room."

The two went to the room where the instruments are kept and eventually found their leader. She immediately smiled upon sensing Gabriel's presence and also recognizing the nomad that he brought with him.

"Looks like we got troublemakers in the club!" Lilac chuckled and puts the down the notepad she was reviewing before they came.

"I remember you! You're that nomad from last night, right?" She asked and offered her hand to Bright for a handshake. "Not sure if you remember but I'm Lilac." She introduced herself again.

Bright smiled as he gladly accepted the handshake. "I'm Bright." He replied.

"He said he wanted to come to the audition but he couldn't find our building. Plus he got caught into..." Gabriel trails and looks briefly at the vampire.

"Yeah! Everybody at school already knows. We have a new celebrity for the school year." Lilac laughed lightly before focusing her attention at Bright.

"So. You wanna join the club? We got the instruments here. Maybe you can audition right now." Lilac said to him and gestured to the different instruments behind them.

Bright anxiously looks at Gabriel. As if asking him what he should do.

"Don't look at me! You got yourself in big trouble just to get here!" Gabriel said to him before walking towards the black piano and leaned on it. He picks up the paper that Lilac was reviewing earlier.

Gabriel is one of the core members of the club so his decision to accept new members is also important. He's more like Lilac's right hand man at everything.

Bright clears his throat and walked towards the piano that Gabriel leaned on. It's his favorite instrument and his father taught him a lot of how to play it. And when he was with Lune, he also played for her from time to time.

"You play the piano?" Lilac asked as they watch the pure blood walked towards it and grazed his fingers on the keys, creating a soft and melodious sound.

"That would be perfect! Our pianist is always late at practice. I might actually decide to pull him out." She added with a chuckle and observed the vampire more.

Bright finally took a seat and stares at the keyboard for a few seconds. Gabriel who was reviewing the paper stopped so he could listen to his new friend.

Finally. The pure blood began playing one of the oldest keys in world history. It was a song called The Seikilos Epitaph, which was created around 200BC. It is a very old song that not many musicians know at this generation.

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