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Somethings are meant to be

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Somethings are meant to be

。.✦ ☾


Sloan in a dark three-piece suit approaches Tony from behind, dark sun glass perched on his straight nose. The young Stark stood before his parents casket, his eyes also covered by sunglasses, hiding the redness of his eyes.

"Come to tell me he was a great man too?" Tony asks

"He was, but even great men have flaws. I've known him for years, he was there when I lost everything, he was even my first investor. But he wasn't perfect. We will remember him in different ways. Now let's have a drink." Sloan says

Tony turns to Sloan. The older man watched him carefully. Tony has worked for him for months, since that Christmas party last year. He cared for him as a friend, and respected him as a boss. They have been partners but Tony was still learning.

Sloan was ingenious, a bright star in the horizon. He commanded respect and he got it.

"Drinks." Tony whispers


Sloan watches as Tony drank shot after shot, his face grimaced with anger. "When I was sixteen I had wished that dear old dad would just disappear, that he would finally stop being this insistent thorn at my side. And now he's dead and I got my fucking wish." Tony hisses, slamming the empty glass down.

Sloan hums, reaching over and placing his hand on Tony's wrist, stopping him from ordering more. Tony meets his gaze head on, dark and filled with shame. "Don't blame yourself for things you can't control. You weren't driving that night and you didn't kill them. As for the wishing part, every kid once in their life has made that very same wish. You were sixteen and Howard expected to much from you." Sloan says

"What about you? Did you wish your parents dead?" Tony asks

Sloan sighs, taking a sip from his bourbon. "You may be surprised, but I was different back then, sixteen year old me was naive and incredibly hopeful. I didn't have a father, he died before I was even born, leaving my mother pregnant and us alone. Despite this, I admired him, he was a soldier, fighting the good fight. But admiration quickly changed to hate, my mother died. And I blamed him." Sloan says, he scoffs to himself.

"I blamed him for saving our country, isn't that hilarious." Sloan whispers

Tony sighs. "We are both incredibly fucked up people. I enjoy working with you Sloan, what we are doing is great, but with dad gone, I have to take over. People are expecting great things from me. Your company will continue to thrive without me." Tony says softly

Sloan looks down at their hands, he hasn't moved his since he first comforted him. Slowly Sloan grabs his hand, turning his focus. Before Sloan can open his mouth to say anything, Tony grabs the lapels of his suit jacket and dragging him forward so their lips meet in a fiery kiss, fuelled by months of lust and of want.

Sloan kept his eyes open as Tony lead the kiss. Sloan lifts his free hand and he cups Tony's cheek, breaking the kiss. "You can't be kissing me Tony." He whispers

Tony's eyes were hooded as he stared up at Sloan. "Why? Is it because we're both men? Or is it because your probably twenty years older then me?" Tony asks, his hand coming to rest on Sloans upper thigh, his fingers scratching at the cashmere.

Sloan hums, "because your mourning and yes, because I'm old." Sloan answers

"How old are you anyways?" Tony asks, curious of his so called old age. "Old enough." Sloan answers, he reaches for his wallet, slapping a couple hundred dollar bills. Sloan stands, stepping closer to Tony, "it was a pleasure working with you Stark, I hope to see you again in better circumstances." Sloan whispers, walking past him without a second glance.



"Old enough."

Tony scoffs, he changes monitors, projecting a photo of Sloan in his army uniform, 1943. "Should've been my first clue, but I couldn't seem to help myself. Sloan Adam Rogers. I was so fucking naive, seeking you out even after rejection." Tony says

Sloan walks closer, shutting off the projection. "It's in your nature, stubborn, headstrong, brilliant." Sloan whispers, his eyes lower to Tony's lips, ignoring the curious gaze from Bruce, who glanced every few seconds.

Tony chuckles, backing away. "Your good, I sometimes forget how good, but I'm not 21 anymore, I won't fall under your web again." Tony whispers



I know this is Bucky's story, but I wanted to show Sloans life through the years. And I just couldn't help adding the Tony story line. There will be more flashbacks between Tony and Sloan, leading up to why Tony is angry. And maybe some smut.

This book will be a long one, leading up to endgame.

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