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Well, don't you know I'm caught in a trap? I can't walk out
Because I love you too much, baby

。.✦ ☾

Dubai/The Palm

Sloan watched as his limo came to a stop in front of the hotel he was staying in, the door quickly opening so he could step out. "We will have your bags sent up for you sir, we hope that you enjoy your stay." The valet says, his gloved hand on the door.

Sloan nods, barely acknowledging the male as he steps out. He turns back to the limo, offering his hand for his companion to step out.

A sheer laced covered hand grabs his hand and she exits the vehicle. Felicia Hardy takes in the hotel, almost purring in excitement. Sloan removes his sunglasses and turns to the blonde. "See to the weapons, they are gifts for the bride and groom, I can't have anyone ruining them before my old friend gets the chance to see them." Sloan orders

Felicia sighed, dejected, she was hoping to explore. "You really got the bride a weapon?" Felicia asks, "Do you or do you not value this job, Felicia?" Sloan asks, his dark eyes watching her. "Geez." She mumbles under her breath.

"Sir your family is waiting for you in the suite." A voice says


Sloan enters the suite housing his son and he finds the living room a mess of clothes and shoes. Sloan chuckles to himself, placing his coat on one of the couches.

"Seo-Joon! Call Papa, ask him where the hell he is!" A voice yells from within one of the rooms. Sloan chuckles, "Mooom!!! I'm busy!!" Came a whine from another room. Sloan lightly knocks on the bathroom door, watching as it whips open to reveal a very flustered woman, only for her eyes to widen.

"Sorry, I'm late." Sloan says

She begins cursing him in Korean before bringing him into a hug. "You were so close to getting your balls cut off." She grumbles into his chest, feeling his hand come up to rest on the back of her head. "Sorry, something came up, something important that I won't bore you with." Sloan says, pulling back to take in her face. "You look beautiful Nari." Sloan whispers

Nari starts to sniffle, getting emotional. "Thank god you are here, I don't know if I can do this without you." She says

Sloan smiles softly, gently wiping any tears that fall. "You can do anything you put your mind to, Fisk loves you and he won't care if you stumble down that isle." Sloan

Nari looks at him deadpanned, "Thanks, exactly what I need in my mind right now, asshole." Nari jokes, earning a chuckle from Sloan. "Come on, finish up your hair, I'll figure out what Seo-Joon is doing." Sloan says "Thank you." Nari says, pulling away so she can get finished.

Sloan exited the bathroom and peered past a few doors in search of his son, finally coming across a door that radiated energy, the music from within caused the door to vibrate. He reaches over and opens the door, finding Seo-Joon standing in front of his mirror in only his boxers.

Sloan chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for his kid to notice him. Seo-Joon finally looks up and he spots Sloan at the door watching him in amusement, causing him to screech, jump into his bed, and hide under the sheets. "DAAAAAdd!" He whines

"What I thought you'd be happy to see me?" Sloan asks, slowly approaching the bed. He hears cursing but he doesn't scold him for his language and he sits on the edge, picking up a pair of suit pants. Seo-Joon pokes his head from under the covers and glares, snatching the pants from his grasp, and struggling under the sheets to put them on. "I don't get why you're embarrassed I'm your dad, I saw you in your birthday suit." Sloan says

"Yeah, when I was a baby." Seo-Joon states, finally sitting up.

Sloan smiles at him fondly, "Sorry Seo, I'll knock from now on. So how do you feel? Excited? Nervous?" Sloan asks "A little disappointed.....I wish it was you. Uncle Fisk is awesome but you are my dad and mom loves you. We could be a family." Seo-Joon says

Sloan smiles sadly. "I know kid, but I can't be what your mom wants me to be, Uncle Fisk can and he loves her, and he loves you too." Sloan says softly

Seo sighs, resting his head on his dad's shoulder. "I know, but a kid could dream. Now tell me everything, I know you were on a mission and that's why it took you so long to get here." Seo states, pulling back so he can face him better. Sloan chuckles, "Well you could've switched on the news for that." Sloan says

"Yeah, well you tell it way cooler, and plus your version is gorier." Seo says, bouncing excitedly on the bed. "How about this, we get ready, and later tonight, we go out on the terrace, have some snacks and I'll tell you all about it." Sloan says

Seo hums as if he was truly thinking about it. "Deal, now get out of my room so I can begin my process." Seo says, playfully shoving Sloan.

"Fine fine, I'm out." Sloan says, raising his hands in surrender, standing from the bed.


"Our very own hero! Sloan Rogers!" A voice calls out

Sloan turns and he watches as a giant approaches him, arms wide and open. "Me? What about you? Saving all those fedora companies from becoming bankrupt, that's the true hero." Sloan teases

Fisk stops short, unimpressed. "You think you're funny?" Fisk asks "Oh I'm hilarious." Sloan says

For a moment it's just silence before Fisk burst into laughter, bringing Sloan into a hug. "My brother, it's so great you were finally able to make it!" Fisk exclaims "Wilson Fisk, I would not miss this for the world, you're my family." Sloan says as they pull away. "And I truly appreciate that. This wedding would've never happened without you, come on best man, let's get a drink." Fisk states

Sloan grins.



Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin, who guessed it? \

I wanted to add more characters to this story and I thought the crime lord was a great addition. I will be adding more Marvel characters to build up the story, maybe characters that aren't exclusive to this "Universe." I'm not spoiling anything.

Also, I know that his wife is Vanessa Fisk nee Marianna, but I am taking creative liberty.

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