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Here we go again, asking where I've been
You can't see the tears are real, I'm cryin' (Yes, I'm cryin')


Warning: Violence, Domestic abuse and fire

Steve hears music as he cautiously enters his apartment through the window, slowly and quietly he grabs his shield for protection.

As he makes his way through the large apartment, Steve finds Fury sitting on one of the couches in the dark.

"I don't remember giving you a key." Steve says "You think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out." Nick says

A little confused, Steve continues the conversation. "Didn't know you were married." Steve says "A lot of things you don't know about me." Nick says

"I know, Nick. That's the problem." Steve says

Steve turns to his light switch and he flick on the lights. The soldier now notices Fury's injuries for the first time, but Fury indicates for him to be silent. He turns off the light and writes something on his phone and shows it to Steve.

'Ears everywhere'.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash," Nick says he writes another text and shows it to Steve.

'SHIELD compromised'.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Steve asks

Fury shows him another text.

'You and me'.

"Just...my friends." Nick says "Is that what we are?" Steve asks "That's up to you." Nick says

Fury's head snaps up to the door just as Sloan enters the apartment. "Steve, I didn't know what you wanted so I got us some Indian....." Sloan's sentence trails off when he notices Fury. Sloan is silent as he takes in the director's injuries, unlike his brother, he can see perfectly through the dark.

"I hope you brought enough-" Fury is swiftly cut off as he's shot three times through the wall and collapses, Steve and Sloan look out the window for the shooter. Sloan drops the food and he uses his manipulation to pull Fury away from the window, dragging his body towards him.

Fury gasps in pain, blood seeping out his lips. Steve rushes to his side, grabbing his arm. Fury looks up to him and he sneakily passes him a hard drive.

"Don't...trust anyone." Nick continues

Fury passes out. "What the hell Steve, what the fuck is going on?" Sloan hisses

Suddenly the two hear someone breaking into their apartment, and both tense. But Steve relaxes a bit when he hears their neighbor calling out to him.

"Captain Rogers?" Steve and Sloan watch her carefully as she walks in with her gun pointed, scoping the room. "Captain, Sloan. I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service." Sharon says

"Kate?" Steve and Sloan ask, both equally confused. Sloan was a little annoyed that Shield managed to plant a spy in his apartment complex. He was more mad at himself that he moved to this smaller and shitter apartment for his brother. He should've stayed in his private penthouse. "I'm assigned to protect you." Sharon says "On whose order?" Steve asks

She notices Fury lying injured on the ground "His." She goes to Fury and then contacts SHIELD through her radio. "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs." Sharon says

"Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" Shield agent ask

Steve notices the shooter through the window "Tell him I'm in pursuit." Steve says, leaving the agent and his brother alone. Steve smashes through his window and runs after the assassin.

Before Sharon can address Sloan, he has her by the throat, his face closing in on hers. "What makes you think you can just waltz in here without a damn care in the world and spy on me and my brother." Sloan hisses

Sharon struggles against his grip, her face quickly turning red. "You're lucky my moral little brother would skin me alive if I killed you or your little men. Tell Shield I won't be as kind the next time they think it's smart to spy on a Rogers." Sloan hisses, pushing her away, watching as she coughed violently, rubbing her throat with a glare. It looked like she struggled not to shoot him at the spot, but she knew her orders and she knew she didn't stand a chance with a mutant.

Sloan smirks and he steps towards the window his brother left out of.



Fire engulfed the walls of a small apartment, eating at the thin paint. Screams of fear and death resounded from within a singular room.

A young boy, barely the age of six was hidden under a bed, face covered in ash and burns. He watches with wide eyes as his mother screams in pain as a gloved hand grabs roughly at her hair, pulling her head back.

"This is what you and that bastard boy deserve, Nari! Maybe this wouldn't have happened if you weren't such a whore." The pot-bellied man hisses, shoving the sobbing woman to the ground.

"You and that boy will die screaming. And maybe with your death, it will send that American bastard a message." The old man slurs, grabbing one of his wine bottles, and slamming the alcohol to the ground. His rage turns to a vase full of lilies, eyes almost turning to slits at the sight of them.

"Please Yu-jin!" Nari begs, trying to get away from the approaching flames. "Mama!" The young boy yells, crawling from under the bed, feeling the heat reach his ankles.

"No Seo-Joon, please go to your room." She begs, scrambling towards her son, gently pushing him away from the drunken man. They both know his room was gone, taken from the flames. But the boy knew his mother was telling him to run. Seo-Joon shakes his head, he can't leave her.

Suddenly the young boy was snatched away from his mother's arms, making him scream and his mother yell out, trying to get to her son, only for her husband to smack her away. "Get away you bitch." Yu-Jin snarls, tugging harshly at the boy's arm.

Yu-Jin suddenly tenses when he notices the fire slowly flickering out, darkness crawling dangerously along the floor, reaching the old man.

Hope blossoms in Nari's chest.

"It won't be I who dies screaming." Her voice states calmly in English.

"Nari! Nari please!" Yu-Jin pleads, releasing the boy as he backs away, his eyes are wide in fear as the door to the apartment flies open, large cracks of power destroying the walls further.

Steel-tipped shoes step past the threshold, shadows slithering across the floor, snuffing out the light.

"Mr. Adam's, please, it was just a misunderstanding," Yu-Jin begs, snot and tears running down his pudgy face.

Sloan takes in the room, his dark eyes finding Nari and Seo-Joon. "A misunderstanding?" Sloan asks, calmly. "Nari, Seo-Joon, go down to the car. I'll be out in just a moment." Sloan says, his voice was even, not showing the rage flickering from within.

Nari nods, grabbing her son's hand. "Let's go Seo." Nari whispers to her son.

The mother and son leave the apartment, flinching as they hear the tortured screams from within.

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