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Surely to the sea

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The four heroes arrive in the middle of a four-way street.

Suddenly, the city lurches to a stop. A deep, primal rage bellows out. With that roar, a shadow comes over them. Sloan's hands are itchy, wondering what damage he can create with such a beast. The shadows itched to escape Sloan's body, but he held off.

From the portal, a fucking chitauri levithan fires out! Carrying hundreds of soldiers, the chitauri levithan passes over the trio. They look up, out of their element.

From both sides, chitauri soldiers cling off and attach themselves to the sides of the buildings, sliding down. Some crash into these buildings and begin firing from their energy rifles at innocent people.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asks "I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony asks "Banner?" Steve asks "Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot." Tony ask.

Iron Man quietly flies behind and parallel with the chitauri.


Thor holds down Loki's face straight ahead, forcing him to watch the city falling to ash. People screaming and monsters roaring.

"Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?" Thor asks "It's too late. It's too late to stop it." Loki says, trying to look away.

"No. We can. Together." Thor says

Loki looks at his brother, showing a sign of hope. Then... Loki stabs Thor with a small dagger. Thor keels over. "Sentiment." Loki sneers into his ear.

Thor gets up, kicks Loki, and lifts him into the air. Thor then slams him down, hard. Loki, bleeding, rolls over the edge. Thor looks down. Loki is riding on a flying chariot. Dozens of chitauri follow his lead.

The four-run behind upside taxis. They look up and see Loki taking his band down the street and firing at the street in a chain of explosions. Smashing cars and hurling people as it goes, it goes off on one final Conflagration. Terrified people running from Loki, looking over their shoulders, coming straight at us.

Captain America looks down the bridge. "Those people need assistance down there," Steve says

Chitauri soldiers that have landed near them and begin firing at them. Black Widow pulls both pistols and fires. Turns to Cap. "We got this. It's good. Go!" Natasha yells "You think you can hold them off?" Steve asks "Captain. (pulls a trigger on his bow; a narrow is mechanically chosen) It would be my genuine pleasure." Clint says

Hawkeye shoots an arrow into the creature's head, gaining a few seconds for Captain America as he falls down the bridge, followed by an explosion. Cap races over to the plaza, jumping over dozens of exploding cars. The first avenger runs like a fucking cheetah.

Sloan turns as he hears screams, spotting a bus full of people. He aims his weapon, shooting dozens of chitauri as they rattle the yellow body of the bus.

He then lowers his gun and he runs over.

From the windows, small children are held by their parents for Sloan to pull them out to safety. When he has the last of the children, he guides them to safety before he runs over to the jammed door and jerkily opens it.

People begin to run out, reuniting with their children.

Black Widow empties her clips. Hawkeye fires arrows into the ranks of the chitauri, hitting his mark each time he shoots. "Just like Budapest all over again!" Natasha says "You and I remember Budapest very differently." Clint says

"What's in Budapest?" Sloan asks, amused. He earns two squirrelly glares.


The cops continuously fire at the flying chariots. It's pretty pointless. A young cop runs over to his police sergeant. "We need to get out! They gotta bring the National Guard!" The young cop says "National Guard? Does the army know what's happening here?" The police sergeant asks "Do we?" The young cop ask

Captain America jumps in front of them. They look up at this ridiculous-looking man. "I need men in these buildings. There are people inside that can run into the line of fire. You take them through the basement or the subway. You keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." Steve says "Why the hell should I take orders from you?" The police sergeant ask

Suddenly, an explosion comes up from behind Cap. An energy blast is blocked by his shield. Two chitauri soldiers attack. The cops watch in shock as Captain America fights them off with ease.

The Sergeant turns to his officer. "I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th." The police sergeant says

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