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Falling in love with you

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Falling in love with you

。.✦ ☾

Fury gathers Tony and Steve back into the briefing room. A look of numb shock is shown on their devastated faces. "These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them." Fury says

Fury throws Coulson's Captain America trading cards on the table toward Steve. Steve picks them up, stained with blood.

"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of the cube, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming... Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Sloan knew this, called the Avengers initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people and see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea, in heroes." Fury says

Tony gets up and walks off, not wanting to hear it anymore. "Well, it's an old-fashioned notion," Fury says

Steve sits up, "and what about Sloan." He asks


Steve enters the medical ward, his heart jumping to his throat. His brother was laid out, face pale and lifeless, but the steady beat of the machine said otherwise.

Steve laughs, relief filling his features. "Sloan's going to be okay," Natasha says, she stands at the entrance with her arms crossed over her chest, watching the soldier. "How." He whispers

"He's one of the rare few. The Wolverine is the other. Sloan's genes help him heal at a more accelerated rate, making it nearly impossible to kill him. It's why he's still young and still alive after all these years. He's going to be fine." Natasha says, approaching Steve.

"What is he?" Steve asks "A mutant, we have never been alone Steve, Your brother kept this a secret for who knows how long." Natasha says

"Are you saying he knew when we were kids?" Steve asks, confused, "Mutant abilities usually present after triggering events, so maybe, maybe the death of your mother caused his powers to manifest, or something else." Natasha says, possibly Bucky's death, Natasha was not about to out Sloan, not to his brother.

Steve looked at his brother, color was slowly returning to his face. Why did he keep this a secret? "Keep me updated.....he's an asshole but I kind of like that about him....you tell him I said that and I will kill you," Natasha warns, without hearing Steve's reply she turns and leave for Barton's room.


Tony enters the medic room, eyes landing on Sloan. "For an asshole who hates vulnerability, he's milking this." Tony probes, hoping it will wake Sloan. Steve scoffs.

Tony turns to Steve. "Sloan was good, he was a teacher, he loved the world and he loved his kids. How is this his life." Steve whispers he knew why....he couldn't admit it, not yet, not ever.

"We live in a fucked up world," Tony answers

"Ugh, can you assholes have a heart-to-heart somewhere else!" Sloan groans, and his hand comes up to rub his eyes. Steve and Tony's head snaps towards Sloan. He had a healthy flush on his cheeks, his eyes weren't bloodshot and he looked incredible, as if nothing happened.

Steve stands and without much thought, he brings his brother into a hug. Sloan stiffens, unsure of what to do, awkwardly patting his brother's back.

"Soooo." Sloan draws out

Finally, Steve pulls away, clearing his throat. "So, Loki....any ideas?" Steve asks, trying to play it cool.


Selvig works around the CMS device that has already been set- on the rooftop of Tony's tower.


Steve walks in full uniform. Natasha looks at him, unprepared. "Time to go," Steve says, Sloan was trudging behind him, wearing black cargo pants and a long-sleeved shirt with an army green bulletproof vest. He was not about to get stabbed again.

"Go where?" Natasha asks, admiring Sloan's form, what he looked good, you can't blame a girl for looking.

"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Steve asks

Barton walks out of the restroom. Look at Cap. "I can," Clint says

Steve looks at Natasha and she nods her head to confirm Barton's on their side. "You got a suit?" Sloan asks "Yeah." Clint says "Then suit up." Steve says


Sloan stands beside his brother, pulling open his duffel bag and pulling out his favored gun, the black body was sharp and deadly. Beautiful at all angles.

Steve pulls on his helmet and shield, turning to his brother. "How do I look," Steve asks, still getting used to the new suit. "Spangly," Sloan replies, earning a fond smile.



Steve lifts his new shield, his fingers gliding along the ridges, admiring the strength, feeling its small hum. His heart beats rapidly in his chest and he then slides his hand into the buckle, pressing the shield against his body.

Hearing footsteps, he looks up, seeing his brother regaled in his army uniform. "How do I look?" Steve asks, posing for his brother.

With a smile, Sloan answers. "Spangly." He teases



Cap, Sloan, Widow, and Hawkeye walk towards and into the quinjet. A young shield pilot looks and stands in their way.

"You are not authorized to be here..." A young pilot says "Son... just don't." Steve says

Sloan grimaces.


Fury looks at the window of the ship, contemplating.

Agent Hill walks up to him, knowing. "Sir." Hill says "Agent Hill?" Fury says

"Those cards, they were in Coulson's locker, not in his jacket." Hill says "They needed the push." Fury says holding Coulson's cards.

A loud noise screeches. Fury looks out to see Iron Man flying off as well as the quinjet.

"They found it. Get our communications back up, whatever you have to do. I want eyes on everything." Fury says

"Yes, sir," Hill says

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