Prologue/Blurb - Nikolai and Minori

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This chapter/Prologue/Blurd will kinda gives you a feel of what the characters are like. If you could read this chapter and continue reading, it is much appreciated. 🙇🏻‍♀️💗

P.S.A: I made a pinterest board for this story so if you wanted to have a little check and get a vibe of this story you can copy and paste this link :)

I hope you'll like this story!!!🪽

♣️ Nikolai - Aged 7 years old 

"You're one stupid woman, aren't you?" My father questions, gripping my mother's chin in his thick fingers." Did you really think you can get away from me?"

"Why do you care so much!" My mother screeches. Two men held onto each of her shoulders, preventing her from standing up. She was on her knees crying so much as she fights against my father's hold. That was the most I have ever seen her react. She was usually cold and unresponsive. She usually never reacted.

She was usually never here.

"You know very well what it means to have the Fedorov last name." My father tells her, squeezing his fingers, digging into my mother's skin. "This was agreed upon both of us and both of our families."

"You go around sleeping with other women, why can't I do the same?"

"Because you don't get a choice. Women don't get a choice."

My mother begins to laugh, weirdly. It was too loud, too expressive. It was scary. I have never seen her like this before. She was always quiet. Quiet when she spoke, quite when she laughed, quite when she walked.

She was acting like a different person.

"Women do get a choice." She mutters under her breath, look down before retrieving a dagger I have never seen before. "If I can't have what I won't, we both won't."

She brings the dagger up before bringing it down onto her body, taking it out immediately after. The dagger was flung onto the ground, shinning against the moonlight.

"No." I mumble, but I don't react. My body doesn't move. I can't move. I need to do something, anything.

Her body falls onto the ground, but my father also doesn't do anything about it. He only mumbles "stupid woman," before he nods at the people who works under him. They promptly grab her limbs and taking her away.

Blood flows down her body, dripping onto the grass, leaving a trail behind.

"Nikolai." My father grumbles, staring down at me. "You must never be like your weak, stupid mother. You must be strong. You must marry a woman who listens to your every command." He grips my shoulder in a tight hold. "Do you understand."

"Y-yes father." I mumble scared to voice it any louder.

"Good. Remember this day." He releases his hold on me, walking back home with other men trailing after him.

I didn't see or hear about my mother from that day onwards. No one ever confirmed her death but it didn't need to be confirmed. If her own actions didn't kill her, my father's men would have ended her anyway. She was dead one way or another.

I still remember that night.

Annoyingly so.

The pool of deep red liquid, dots of blood trailing across the lawn towards the outer gates. My mother's shrieks.

My mother's death.

Just like my father had told me to.

But I got rid of my father.

Now, no one can tell me what to do.  

♠️ Minori - Current

No. No. No.

Please don't. Please. Please let me just go home.

"Minori! Minori! Wake up!" I hear the familiar voice, shaking my shoulders awake. My breath gets caught as I realise I was reliving in my dream. I felt sticky and dirty and exhausted.

I take a second to figure out what was happening.

I was safe. I was in my room. I was in my own bed.

Using my brother's arm for support, I shift myself to sit upright before snuggling myself into his hold.

I suppose normal people's safe place were their parent's arm or the arms of their lover but mine was my brother's.

It wasn't like I didn't feel safe or loved by my parents. They loved me more than I could ever comprehend, which was unusual given our culture and the world we lived in. Upfront love wasn't considered respectable or right. Everything had to be internalised, not externalised. But they did. They loved me and I knew it.

But my brother was the person I relied on. The person I would bet my life on. His embrace was my safe place. It didn't matter that I was already an adult and so was he. He was always there for me when I needed him.

Ryo begins to lightly tap my back with one hand, while the other stroked my head. Whispering 'it's okay, you're okay, you're safe' in Japanese over and over. It was a habit that stuck with us ever since that day. Ever since the nightmares had started.

I relax in his hold and my breathing begins to even out, tension seeping out from my body. I press my ears to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat that rarely ever changes in rate. A key quality they had always managed to calm me down. To ground me back to my present life.

Thump, thump, thump.

And then, my eyes begin to droop once again. Darkness invites me once again and I take its offering.

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