Chapter 22 - Minori

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New Chapter!!!🔥❤️‍🔥🔥

Warning: This chapter explores kidnapping and rape. It is a very sensitive topic and you may find it distressing. Please take care of your wellbeing and read what is comfortable for you.

I will upload the next part shortly. If you'd like to read the two chapters together, I recommed reading it when you have plenty of time on your hands!!

Enjoy your reading time. 🌟🍯💛

No . . . no. . . Don't. . . don't come near me . . . no. . .




My mind vaguely registers a strong heartbeat and the touch of skin to skin.

Warmth. I felt warmth, comfort, and safety.

Safety . . . ?

I open my eyes and blink a couple of times. Where in the world was I? What happened?

I was out hiking, shooting, running, him . . . waterfall.

"Are you okay?" My head snaps to where his voice came from and my eyes clash with his. Those bewitching blue eyes. They were a liability.

"No. I need to go back."

"I would too, but we can't for another few hours."

"What do you mean?" I demand for answers. I sure as hell wasn't going to stay with mister blue eyes for long.

"It's night."


I take a look around the place. We were in something like a cave? A fire was burning in front of us, the warmth from it comforting. Hm? Something wasn't right. The warmth wasn't just from the fire. I look down.

I was naked. I was naked save for my undergarments and I was on his lap. Naked and on his lap!!??

"D-did . . . you strip me!?"

"Should I have let you shiver to death?"

He must be crazy. He was crazy. Why the hell was I still in his hold?

"Let me go." I say struggling out of his hold but it was futile. His strength overpowered mine thousand times over. Strangely, that felt comforting.

Hold on. Comforting?

"No. You're still cold and our clothes are still wet. Just calm yourself down and go back to sleep."

Go back to sleep!? Calm down? How was I supposed to go back to sleep!? How was I supposed to be calm in this situation?

"I can sleep on my own. Let me go." I attempt once again to remove myself from his grasp.

"Minori stop."

Some unintelligent part of my brain forces me to stop. To stop moving. To stop thinking. I just stop. Why? Why was I listening to his demands? Why did I listen like it was the most natural thing to do? Why?

His long arms that already encaged me pulled me closer to his body once again, and I didn't move. I didn't protest. I just let it happen.

Why . . . why did it feel right? How come this feels right?

"Nice tatts by the way. Didn't think a princess like you would get a tattoo. Much less multiple of them."

"Well I'm glad you had a nice viewing session of my body." I say attempting to cover anywhere I could.

"That I did. My favorite is the one on your abdomen."

My hands instinctively trace the tattoo on the right side of my stomach. It was my favorite too. Or more like the most meaningful one.

"The Sakura one?" I question.

"That's the one."

"Do you know what they symbolize?"

"In general, or to you?" He questions, dipping his head to look at me. I look away.

If I looked into those eyes for a second too long, I felt as though I would become compliant to anything he asked for. I shouldn't let that happen.

"Either. It's same difference to me."

"Life and death, no?"

He did know. Most people don't. Most people don't care. Not to mention he seems like the last person to know or care about flower meanings.

"Yes. But it also symbolizes beauty and violence. Sakura's are a contradiction, but that's the point. Because there's beauty in violence and vice versa. Life cannot complete without death, and death cannot happen without life."

"And what does it mean to you?"

"I told you, same difference."

"To you its not. Tell me."

No. You can't tell him. He will see you as the one in the wrong. The dirty one. You can't tell him.

But . . . what if he's different? What if he . . . stays? What if I have someone besides my family?

"I want to know you. What you've been through, how your mind works. Why you act the way you do."

"What if I can't trust you? What if you see me differently?" I say coming out as a whisper.

Weak. I was so weak.

I shouldn't trust him. I shouldn't trust anyone. I shouldn't. I . . .I . . .

"Don't worry, even if I see you differently it will just be how much more I am curious about you. How much more I will be obsessed with you. And if you can't trust me, I will do everything I can to gain your trust."'

I look up at him. Really look at him. His sharp features now a little softer, his usually well styled hair now all tussled and down, covering parts of his forehead. I didn't know why but I liked that more than his well-groomed version. It seemed more natural? And his blue, blue eyes on me. I could see my reflection in his.

"You do know that I was kidnapped right?"

His eyes widen. Whether it was from surprise because he didn't know or surprise that I would bring this story up I couldn't be sure but he gives me a nod and I continue.

"This story starts with a little girl nine years ago, who was oblivious to the dark side of the world." I begin.

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