Chapter 49 - Nikolai

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New Chapter!!!

This chapter is slightly on the longer side of things so I recommed reading it when you have more time on your hands.

Only one more chapter until the main story is completed!!! (Sobs, already missing Nik and Minori's relationship) But there will be an epilogue so stay tuned for that.

Writing this story, Serparated was a totally new experience compared to Differences but it was just as special and it is thanks to you guys for reading this story since the pleasure in writing is to deliver that writing. 💜💜💜

I want to talk (write) lot's more but I will leave that for the next chapter hehehe. 😁😌😚

So for now, enjoy this chapter🪻🌷🪻

Warmth. Warmth from someone was the first thing my mind registered. It was comforting and familiar. Right and perfect. It wrapped around the lower half of my arm and that alone made me feel a sense of relief.

I could recognise those slightly calloused, slender fingers without looking.

I slowly open my eyes, momentarily blinded by the lights before I could turn my head to see the woman I set my eyes upon all those months ago and couldn't get enough of. Somewhere along the way, her existence became the sole reason my world was rotating.

"Minori?" I call, asking for her attention. Her head was laid against her arm that were holding onto mine. It was only now that I realised her body was trembling.

Her body jerks from my call and her head lifts to face me. I reach out for it, brushing away the tears that continued to spill down her cheeks. God this woman was still so beautiful even when she was crying.

"Thank goodness." I mutter, ease settling in my system. I inhale the lily, jasmine scent that was so distinctly hers and another wave of relief filters. It didn't smell like blood and death anymore. She is here. She is alive.

"You're such an idiot." Her voice trembles as she begins to nag at me. "Why would you ever toss your own life away like that! Your life isn't just your own. You have a whole organisation relying on you."

"The Bratva never mattered as much as you matter to me."

"You could have died!" She retorts, her voice rising in volume.

"But you will live."

"What's the point of living if you're not there to show me what it's like to live?"

I physically flinch, taken aback from her words. Honestly, I didn't consider that. Because unlike me, she had a family she could rely on, be supported by. She didn't actually need me like I needed her.

"Answer me!" She yells, gripping my arm so hard her knuckles turned white. "And don't you dare tell me that I could live my life without you in it. You barged into my life you had every right to, and you need to take responsibility for that."

"I . . . I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't enough. You are mine just as much as I am yours." Another tear spills from her lids, making contact with my skin.

I was hers. She was mine.

I grin like there was no tomorrow. She was one bold woman. My bold woman.

"I am yours." I begin to say, cupping her neck, bringing it closer to my face. "And you are mine."

I plant my mouth on hers, kissing the life out of her. I feel her body relaxing, kiss me back with a force I was yet to explore. She takes a hold of my face, her teeth sinking into my lips, nibbling it as I grab her body and bring her closer to me. My brain briefly registers pain from bullet wound, but I pay it no mind. The only important thing that stays in my head that she was alive, she was kissing me, and that she was mine.

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