Chapter 37 - Minori

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Who knew nightmares can materialise into reality?

Who knew the past could literally chase you?

Well, now you and I know that both questions can answered with a plain and simple yes. Nightmares can materialise into reality and the past can chase you.

Anxiety had a secure hold on me since Otosan calmy explained that I was being followed by the people from the past. It's strength in its self makes me nauseous but I had people who supported me and expectations to meet.

I knew loud and clear that my life is not the worst life on Earth, but it sure is on the terrible side of the spectrum or continuum as Ryo likes to correct me. Unlike him, I have absolutely no interest in academics. I do love a little problem solving here and there but I do not want to make my life into a problem-solving game like my brother does.

Anyhow, now I am monitored by my father, mother, brother, and Nikolai. You could say that this is suffocating and truthfully it is. However, it was a much better option than what my father had in mind which was to just lock me up where no one could reach me. Fortunately for me, my brother advocated on my behalf by telling him I would lose my mind and get myself into more trouble than I already was in. He wouldn't be wrong about that. I probably would find a way to get out and get caught or something just as ridiculous and unintelligent.

So, with much thanks to Ryo for arranging this, I was making my way down the driveway back to Nikolai's car while my parents and brother go out to check a few things out that I had zero interest in.

As I make my way down, my eyes lock with his and he tracks me with every step I take. This was another thing I realised that I loved. To have someone who looked at me like I was the only thing that existed in their world. Like I was the most important thing on their mind in that moment.

He had his arms in his pockets and was leaning against his vehicle dressed in a lose fitted white dress shirt and black trousers, smart but casual. I stop right in front of him, holding nothing but my phone knowing I don't need anything because everything I needed, he has it.

"How's my lucky charm?" I say fixing his collar even though there was nothing there to be fixed.

"Lucky charm huh? Why's that?"

"Because I always seem to get good fortune when I'm with you."


"Oh I see. You want your head to be filled with even more sweet words."

"Guilty as charged." He agrees musing to himself.

"Well, first of all, I learnt that I can be touched, and I can touch people without having a full-on breakdown."

"You can touch me all you want, and I'll touch you whenever and wherever you want me to touch you, Koroleva."

"For now, I'll do all the touching" I tease wrapping arms around his neck but then think better of it and grab both his arms to wrap around my middle. He gives me his signature smile that puts a smile on my own face. "Second, I learnt that I can trust people."

"Be careful with that one. Not everyone exists to be trusted."

"I know that." I say giving him a look. "But I digress. Thirdly, I like the person that I am with you."

"I love any version of you." He kisses my forehead. "Although I must say this bold unapologetic version is my personal favourite."

"Is that so?" I muse. "Well then, that's probably the constant version you'll be getting in the foreseeable future."

"Thank the lucky stars for that." He gives me a gently squeeze.

"Well, where are we heading for the remainder of today?"

"Did you have lunch?"

"No." I reply. Meals in my household were very consistent and was to be had with the entire family. That was the same today for lunch, but I always have a way out. It comes with being a father's girl. I can probably get away with most things.

"Then we'll have to fill that stomach of yours. Then we can do anything you like until night falls. I have a round to make for one of the clubs. We'll just be in my office in that back if you don't like loud music but if you do, you can have a bit of fun."

"I've never been allowed in a club." I admit. No one let me near those places and to be honest I couldn't care less for it because one, I had to uphold my elegant, calm, and collected façade and that does not pair well with clubs and two, I was way too petrified of my drinks being spiked. If its one thing I steer clear of, it was drugs.

But if it were with him . . . maybe clubs can be fun? And safe?

"Do you want to experience the whole thing?"

"But you have to do all that paperwork and other business, no?"

"A little time off wouldn't hurt."

"Then I want to see and decide for myself if I like it or not."

"You do that. Come on, can't have Maria waiting. She's been cooking all morning for you. She looked happier than she has been for ages. Can't tell if she like me or you more."

"Obviously, she loves me more. I'm her favourite." I muse.

"Alright Ms everyone is one my side obviously, get inside. A minute more and I will be getting in trouble by Maria." He opens the car door and waits for me to settle in before rounding the car to get in himself.

"I like that nickname you just came up with."

"What? The Ms everyone is on my side?" He backs out of the driveway and hits the road.

"No. The, Ms everyone is on my side, obviously. The last word is the most important."

"I see."

"But I'm on your side." And then I remember the most important word. "Obviously."

He turns to me briefly before returning his attention back to the road.

"Be careful, you're making me fall in love with you deeper by the second."

"That's okay. The feeling is mutual."

He abruptly swerves and stops the car and I'm left stunned.

"You've made a perfect mistake Koroleva." He rasped.

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