Chapter 34 - Nikolai

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I'd much rather not be here.

If I had my way, I would still be sleeping with that goddess of mine.

Yes, she's mine. No, she didn't confirm but last night was all I needed to come to this conclusion. I won't give two shits about what anyone else had to say about it. Her parents? I will convince them until they get sick of me and just have to accept me. The people of the brotherhood? Fuck them, they will follow me and her. There was no other option for them. My words will overrule theirs.

She was so small in my hold but last night, I saw her low point as well her high point. And I could be delusional, but I swear she got rid of that neutral façade she wore like an armour and tossed it out for good. Perhaps it was only just for me, and I wouldn't be complaining if that were the case but if she really ditched that façade, there was no doubt that I was going to go deeper and deeper into that rabbit hole that was entirely composed of Minori Sakurazuki.

The level of curiosity I had for her when I first saw her at Taylor's wedding is nothing compared to the obsession I have for her now. The innate need to have her stuck onto me and the fucking desire to have her all to myself is so strong I don't even know how I slept so peacefully with her in my arms.

But that was the thing, she could bring out the chaotic side of me while still being able to bring the calm and serenity I didn't know I needed. She was a plethora of anomalies and I'm not shy to admit that I want to be intoxicated by it.

And that determined face of hers.

One second she's in her head and the next she looks like she was going to take over the world and knowing her, she probably could with the right tools. Safe to say I was beyond curious as to what she was going to do and how she'll achieve all the things she had lined up in that brain of hers.

But the first thing I was going to do once this shitshow of a meeting is over is to go to her and just hold her. Like I said, I need her on me, next to me, and I needed to breathe that lily, jasmine scent and a scent just purely made of her to enter my lungs. Perhaps I'm not just obsessed, I just might be addicted to her. And one thing was for sure that this was incurable, not that I wanted to be cured. If that day comes, I'd be six feet under.

"Pakhan, there's someone outside the door." One of the guard disrupts, his voice unsteady, scared of the consequence should the outcome turn south.

I don't even get to reply before the doors open with purpose and I am pleasantly surprised by a woman wearing a dark red dress that ended just above her ankles, with her neck adorned with diamond pendant necklace I was familiar with and in heels I was quite sure she hated, walking into our meeting.

What I wasn't at all satisfied was that all these men and women in attendance was seeing the beauty that should only be for my eyes and well, unfortunately her family.

Now, what was her reason for being here?

Her deep dark brown eyes searches around the room for a split second before they land on mine and that was all she needed before she confidently makes her way over to me.

God she was something. Who knew red could look this good? I had always liked red, but she made the color infinitely look better. Hotter, sexier, fucking delicious.

"What did my little Printsessa want today?" I question, getting straight to the point. One thing we share in common was that we don't tolerate things told or explained in a roundabout way.

"I don't mind being called a little princess right now, but I'd like to think I am your Queen. Koroleva, I think it was."

Well, I wasn't expecting that, but I would be lying if I say that didn't elevate my mood all for the better. She even knew the word in our tongue. And she for sure will be my Queen, that she will. She has said it before, time she take the place.

"That you are. My Koroleva, what did you want to do here?"

"I thought I should get acquainted to your people and familiarise with the business. Ignorance may be a bliss, however, I dislike being an airhead."

"An outsider isn't welcome here" Konstantin decides to interrupt as per usual. I was going to end that old impractical being once and for all, but I was stripped away of such privilege when Ksenia beats me to it.

"Oh, I disagree with you Konstantin." She draws out staring at the sorry face head on. "We all know she isn't just a pretty princess and have skills and knowledge that we could potentially benefit from it. I would take all the positive opportunities given to us." She switches her attention towards Minori, "Besides, I'd be careful with my words if I were you. It may be because of your age Konstantin and consequently poor hearing, but she will be our Queen in the near future. She will be the one reigning over us. Your thoughts wouldn't matter much. Considered yes, but never as important as her words."

Ksenia was never a person who would side with me, but she was an intelligent, logical thinker. Much like her father, the previous Pakhan, she took any and all opportunities that would put her at advantage over us. That was why her tech business thrived from the beginning of its launching and still continues to thrive. And maybe she felt some sort of camaraderie with Minori seeing that they were both beloved daughter of leaders.

Whatever the reason was, I owed her one.

"You can't be serious. She is not affiliated with us. She just about exists and looks pretty for everybody to see. What makes you think she has any skills or knowledge? I expected better from you Ksenia." Konstantin tsks seemingly satisfied with his line of argument. Pandas were smarter than him despite their similarities in physique.

"It seems your men and your head doesn't get around the information well enough." Alexei, who I just call Kozlov from the less than glamorous way he took over his family name decides to share. "This lady here is very skilled in many forms of torture. Not to mention she is handed a few jobs here and there from her father when necessary. If I were you, I'd shut up Konstantin."

I seemed to be getting a number of surprises today. Who knew that silent Kozlov would decide to share more than a few words? Let alone a whole argument in favor of Minori?

"Very well, you may stay." Konstantin begrudgingly admits defeat, but he ruins any kind of calm by linking that with, "But I'm afraid there are no empty seats."

"Need not to worry, I have a very comfortable one." Minori answers turning over to me eyeing my lap. I fucking smirk. She was indeed my Queen. I didn't stand a chance against her.

I shift my chair so she could sit, and she does so before taking my arms, so it was wrapping around her waist. If it were anyone else I would've lost it but with her I was just one lucky man with the honor of having the most beautiful woman on my lap.

"Am I comfortable enough for you?" I whisper in her ear, admiring her flawlessly gorgeous side profile as I do so.

"Very. I think I can get used to being in this seat." She replies not even turning her head to share her thoughts.

"Hm. I must admit, I think I can also get used to having you on me even during a meeting."

"I knew you were an odd one from the very beginning. Keep those thoughts to yourself. How can you let all these people know easily persuaded you can be."

"You needn't worry. You are the only person who can persuade me without giving an argument."

"Focus." She slaps my thighs and I begrudgingly return to the boring and miserable meeting we have at hand.

Well, at least I have company. A very pleasant one at that too.

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