Change is now necessary

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Yashmin's POV

"Melisa, you judge on the grounds of speculation", said my granddad. Sarafena turned to look at him in disbelief before she spoke.

"Miss Melisa McMelon, you sit before the council today as your father's heir. Now head of the McMelon clan. I will chalk your behavior up to mourning. But you will not speak poorly to the chief or to his heirs this way. They are McClearies, the royal family and you will speak to them with respect. Our chief while wise and just, as allowed you people to think you are on the same level with him. I will not have it", yelled Sarafena.

Melisa looked at the council members hoping one would speak out on her behalf . Sarafena looked at them too, daring one of them to speak. No one did.

"Do you know what your punishment is for the act you have just committed. Immediate removal from the post you hold. While it's your right it's mostly a privilege. This is the chief ways of being polite to all the families. Don't let him regret it", continued Sarafena.

"Alright Sarafena, calm down", said my granddad. "It's ok, she is merely hurting."

"In the future chief, I would like her to refrain from spreading lies and trying to soil the royal family. Or she will be dealt with accordingly."

Sarafena was indeed the no nonsense person she presented herself to be. But this behavior she displayed left me speechless.

It was decided in the meeting that the heirs and their family would be removed from the community and placed in productive custody. They were to be relocated immediately into  human populations, where use of any ghostly abilities are prohibited.

That meant that Dew, Mark, Lily and Lilian would have to leave the life they knew with their families. I thought to myself

"My husband could help with that", said my mother.

"While you are a heir, you are not yet on the council and will refrain from butting into council business", stated Sarafena. "However you will expected to come through on your claims", she continued.

It would seem attempted genocide brought out the worst in Sarafena. I thought as my granddad dismissed the council.

The words royal family and abomination echoed in my head.

Once the members was gone, my grandfather demeanour soften as tears welt up in his eyes.

"It's ok", said Sarafena as she rubbed circles on his back. We all have lost. Ci Ci didn't deserve this but we will made whoever did this pay."

"It was humans", interrupted my dad.

His claims brought Sarafena to her feet. "Mere humans, I don't believe it", she said

"That's what they tasted like", responded my dad.

"How dare you defoil this holy place with your nonsense and presumptuous appetite. Melisa may of speak out of terms but that doesn't mean she was entirely wrong", said Sarafena as she turned to face my granddad. "What he is, is what we don't mix with", she continued.

"You too Sarafena, please not now ok", said my granddad.

He sighed heavily as Sarafena left the room.   He then proceed to walk towards my dad.

"How did you find my daughter, who sent you", he asked.

"I can assure you sir,  I wasn't send by nobody. I didn't even know what you are existed until your daughter transformed into it before mine eyes."

"I pity both of you, having to carry your secrets alone all these years."

"Pity ?", asked my Dad. "Do you not take me for the abomination, your people claim I am?"

"Our ancestors was seen as abomination to their ancestors. But for me, you are not only a worthy alli but family. You are alright by me."

That's why I loved my granddad, he never discriminates.

Muron's POV
It felt good been accepted by my father in law. "Wait anybody smell blood", I asked.

We all turn around to see blood flowing down Melisa's arm.

Yash fangs appeared, restly slightly above her lips.

"See she is just like him", yelled Melisa.

Yash was shaking trying to resist the urge of giving into her desires. She look at me with tears streaming down her cheeks, pleading for me to help her. I grabbed her in my arms and ran full vampire speed out of the room and to her mother's car. "Why don't we just wait here", I said to her.

Yashshauna's POV
"Dad I swear I didn't know"

"That's ok. Don't apologize. You still love your husband and child right?"

"Of course I do."

"Well take them and go home. Am ok, go work on providing that help you offered up the council, I'll see to Melisa", he said. "And then I'll come to visit you later."

I did what I was asked. I learnt a very long time not to defy my father.
I stepped out of the room and into the community; I shifted into my shadow form, so I could promptly locate my shadowling and husband.

I  used my ghost vision to search around. I didn't like ghost vision, at all. It would make my head momentarily light after each used then switch back immediately to my human side and everything showed up like x-rays. But it was indeed an effective tracker.

There, I said to myself as I saw them  sitting in the car. I turned back into my human side and made my way on foot. When I got there Yash was in good spirits laughing at her dad's joke.

"Everything ok?", asked my husband as I sat down buckling my seat belt.

"Yes", I said. "Don't worry", I continued.

However I was infact worried. For one, Melisa McMelon seemed as if she was going to be a present problem.

Secondly my young daughter had enough dealing with, with just puberty alone. Now she has ghostly essence and vampires urges to control .

And lastly my marriage, we two different creatures. And what we were, wouldn't allow us to be together without a fight.

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