The Change

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It was now my third try, and I just couldn't do it. I could not sit on the dumb couch without falling.

My mother is suppose to be teaching me to master these things. Instead here I am."It's a good thing you aren't a teacher in real life", I muttered while rolling my eyes.

"What was that Yashmin?"

" just saying I know teaching is not an easy job."

I don't normally lie to my mom and am not a coward or anything but she was looking rather frightening. At this point I couldn't risk getting disciplined, so I lied and cower. Blame my survival skills.

"Yash, you first must create the thought in your head and then after you do. You have to concentrate in order to solidify yourself to the point of sitting. We are mere ghost. Ghost don't have literal bodies."

We don't have literal bodies.....I said mocking her in my mind. I should first create the thought. Then what do she think I been doing all this time falling on purpose. I must create the thought I said to myself as I attempted to sit down.


"Yes Mom, what is it? I fell again didn't I?"

"Open your eyes and see for yourself"

I open one eye first and look down, I was sitting on the couch. I opened the other. Being quite pleased I smiled.

I was a bit confused. I didn't  understand why was it that each time I fell from the couch, I would always be on the ground. Why was I not phasing through the ground I wondered.

"Mom how is it that I phase through the chair and through the couch but never through the ground?"

"Good question, lift up an end of the carpet and tell me what is it you see. There is a specific reason as to why i brought you into this room."

"Dirt!", everytime I started believing in this lady, she gave me more reasons to doubt her. Was she trying to tell me, we were secretly poor cause that's all I got. What other reason was there for people to be living on dirt in 2023.

"Yes dirt, its the one thing that bounds us on this earthly plane."


"We cannot phase through it. When I had you a few years ago, we had this room remodeled for this specific reason. My dad.......your grandad thought me in a room similar to this, when I was your age."

"Oh, I see but why do it bound us."

"It's by the law of creation; from dust we came and from dust we will return. Hence why when people are buried, they are buried in dirt. There is no way around it. It is just what it is?"

I didn't like when limitations was placed upon nothing or No one. I for one believe that you must work hard to achieve what you want to achieve.  Not because it has never been done,  means it can't be done.

"Ok so what else can we do", I asked eagerly hoping this wasn't all there was to it.

"We will do that, for now I need to teach you how to change from this form into human. It's necessary as it is what helps us appear as human."

"A necessary delusion", I asked.

"I wasn't aware you knew that word but anyway yes."

Her statement provoked me very much but I held my ground. Because if I can't turn back into my human form, I won't be able to see Loena later.
So for now, I'll focus on just that.

"So how do I change back?"

"Did you hear that", she asked looking around.


"My daughter actually asking for my help."

"Yes, yes", I said filled with shame. I didn't like allowing anybody to know I needed help or them. It made me feel weak and I didn't like weak.

My mother never showed weakness. And its what I admired most about her. Even in hardship, she stood tall. Well seeing that she is a ghost. I don't know what was actually there to be afraid of.

"Ok so it is quite simple", she said but before she could answer I accidentally phased through the wall on which I was leaning.

A screamed escaped my lips. I look up and I see her with her hand stretched out. "Are you ok."

"Yes I am", I whispered

"Why are you whispering?", she asked.

The better question was why weren't she whispered, I didn't want to alert our neighbors or anybody passing by.

"Because I don't want anybody to see us like this."

"The words ghost doesn't mean much to you does it my child", she said shaking her head before continuing. They can't hear or see us in this form unless you want them too. And you are just learning you won't be able to do that", she said as she pull me back through the wall.

"So you are telling me, nobody is able to see us when we are in this form....absolutely no one?"

"There are exceptions; vampires, werewolfs and witches amongst other supernatural can see us in this form. However if they do, I doubt they will know what we are. Oh and humans who have been baptized can see us as well; if it is they have receivedthe site. To all else we are invisible and non-existent."

I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?", looking very much confused.

"But you said humans who have been baptized. Like that is a thing?"

"It is a thing", she answered as she placed her hand on her head. "Now follow me to revert back to your human form. We must get going soon."

"Ok", I responded.

I watched as my mother simply spin herself around.

"Oh that's easy. I can do that."

"Am glad, so do it", said my mother.

I spined around and achieved nothing but dizziness. My mother looked at me confused.

I spinned again and nothing happened. I was still in shadow form. My mom had me sit down as he took out her phone anxiously.

Phone rings
"Hello Dad, she can't seem to revert back."

"That's impossible, a McCleary always turn back upon first try."

"Well dad, she didn't.  And she tried two times. Am worried before she is stuck this way. I can't loose her. I know of the stories"

"Don't follow that nonsense she will be ok. Just take her here and let us see."

Phone call ends.

I heard every word spoken on my mom's phone.

For the first time ever I saw fear in my mother's eyes. She was trembling. I took her hands into mine before I spoke. "Mom don't worry,  like granddad said, I am a McCleary. Lets just go see them."

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