Season 2: The Jones' big move.

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Yashmin's POV
My life is literally falling apart. Where are we suppose to go. I am to just leave it up to this woman and man because one contributed an egg and the other a sperm. I thought to myself.

We drove for hours upon hours. I was wasn't sure the journey was ever going to end.

But eventually we came to a nice house in a quiet neighborhood. The streets were empty and glistening with the light from the houses;  layed out diagonally some feet in from the road side. The grass on every lawn was green and luscious. It would seem as this community knew no hardship.

My dad pulled into the drive way of one specific house. Pressed a button and the garage opened. My mother gave him a specific look before she once more focused on the path infront of her.

He closed the garage door behind us and we went inside. Through a door inside the garage.  The house was beautiful.

My dad took me upstairs and led me to a room door. Then he spoke, "this is your room?"

"My room?" I asked him. I didn't even know where the hell we were or why we couldn't go home. And here he was in a very random but specific house pointing me to a room he claims to be mine. I stood my ground looking at him.

But then he opened it and it was almost an exact replicate of the room I had at home. The stuff was different but it was also the same. I felt as if I hand picked the stuff he had in there. Only I didn't.

"Why don't you take a shower", he said.

"But Dad I have no clothes "

"Sure you do, open the closet and you will see."

I opened the closet and it was full of  clothes all in my size.

"Dad when did did you, whose house is this?", I asked him.

"Shower and then come down stairs. Am going to make you some tea, God knows you been through enough today."

I watched him walk away as I prepare to have my shower

Murron's POV

As I left my daughter to head downstairs, I prepared myself mentally for the wrath of my wife.

I knew she would have questions, but I would rather she asked them than do that thing where she answered her own questions.

I was on the last step. I watched her studying the couch in the living room in detail. "You like it?'

She looked briefly at me and then back on the couch.

"Murron",  why do you have this completely other house here?"

"It was actually a gift from my mother.  She brought it years ago , when we just had Yash as a present. I know you were happy where we were living so I accepted the gift and kept it to myself. I still did the up keep and kept it in good condition incase we ever needed it."

"Present huh."

"Yes, now let's go make some tea", I said to her as I made my way in the direction of the kitchen.

"Tea? it's three in the morning."

"Well I promised our little girl tea and I can tell you. She will be down any moment now."

"How can you possibly know that?"

"It's called vampirism or vampire hearing to be more specific. "

We then  made our way to the kitchen. Where I put on a hot cup of coco I got when we stopped to full gas. Absolutely nothing was in the house to eat, so I knew yes would be grateful. Especially after I add my secret ingredient.

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