Attempted Genocide

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Muron's POV

We hurriedly made our way to the car, my mother included.

"You are coming too", asked Yashshauna.

"Yes my son's and granddaughter's fight is also my fight", said my mother.

I could of sworn my wife's demeanour relaxed a little bit.

"What are you?", asked my mother.

"We are ghost!"

"Ghost?", asked my mother with a confused looked upon her face. I too was confused, as what I saw before me wasn't a ghost. They were both breathing, had beating hearts and they could bleed.

However this argument was one for another day. Her father was in trouble, let us just focus on getting there.

Yashshauna's POV

Muron's Kin was unlike my own, their acceptance was refreshing. The way how they supported and protected their own, was something to be respected.

Maybe his DNA didn't ruin my child. Maybe his DNA just made her better. Unity is strength and unity she will always have due to her vampire side.

I didn't want her coming to this fight as her abilities have not fully kicked in as yet. This changing into shadow form and walking through walls was just the tip of the ice burg. But it was what she had to work with right now, until her sixteenth birthday.

"You look worried ", said my husband as he held my hands.

"I am ok", I responded.

"Babe you can't lie to me, I can hear your heart pound against your chest. I can practically smelled the fear coming off you. But don't worry, whatever it is that threatens your family. I guarantee you I will tear it limb from limb", he said rubbing the back of my hand.

I have always heard of vampires enhanced senes but I had never experienced its accuracy first hand, I thought to myself as I sped down the road. Then it hit me, we had left Leona home alone sleeping.

"Muron Leona is home", I said stepping on the brake suddenly. In all the confusion we had forgotten about her completely. "We have to turn back."

"No", said my husband. "My mother can go."

"But.....but....but", she said.

"Mother please."

"Ok", she said. "But you better make sure you keep my grandbaby safe."

I was about to turn the car around to take her back but she stepped out and ran off in full vampire speed. It was as if she vanished into thin air.

I drove off again, continuing on my journey. We were almost there and my anger was heightening. Who dare to trouble my dad. He is all I have.

"Listen Yash when we get there, you must be prepared for anything. Your abilities aren't fully developed as mine, yet. So I asked that you stay close to your father at all times. This is my dad, my people.  I'll defend them as best as I can but I can't do so, having to worry about you as well. So do you promise"

"I promise."

"Good, now Muron focus solely on our child even if you see death coming my way. Protect our child at all cause. She is all I have."

"Babe you need to trust your family, trust that we have your back", said Muron.

Yashmin's POV

As mom pulled into the driveway I heard screams of helping echoing. My mother quickly assumed her shadow form and I followed her.

The minute the car door opened, she was gone. I couldn't tell which way she went.

I looked at Dad and he looked back at me.

"Ok Yash you the one,  who have been here before. Which way are we headed."

"To grandpa and aunt Ci Ci", I said quickly as I excited the car; with my dad behind me.

The village was covered in what seemed to be thick Grey and black smoke but it didn't trouble me a bit.

I ran inside my granddad's house but to my surprise it was empty. I entered into the back yard; where I saw my mother floating above three man I didn't recognize on the ground.

"Where is my dad?", she asked them.

But instead of answering, the men harmed themselves with crosses.

I watched as my mother opened her mouth, rather largely. It was as if its natural borders didn't matter in this form. She let out a loud scream like a banshee in labour. The three men went flying backwards towards the boards, that stood as fencing.

As their back hit the board, my dad and I  knees hit the ground, as we cover our ears. I know she was my mother but the sound was rather horrible and painful. My dad and I groan loudly.

Upon hearing us groan she stopped and looked back at us briefly. Before she phased through the fence and into Sarafena's yard.

My dad and I got back on our feet and walk over to the three bodies that now  lied lifelessly  on the floor. They were bleeding from their ears and their eyes.

Again I stood frozen as my fangs took shape and I fought the urge of biting into one of the bodies.

"That's it baby, fight it we are only monsters if we allow ourself to be", said my dad as he watched me carefully.

I felt myself breaking, the urge was too strong I decided to give in. But my dad grabbed on to me and within a mere second, we too was in Sarafena's yard.

Went we got there a look of concern overtook my father's face. He continued to carry me into his arms as he ran full vampire speed into the tent.

I saw my mom surrounded by six men in robes, harmed with crosses as the ones  before. I watched her scream as they threw some form of white liquid at her. It bore holes into her shadow form wherever it touch. I watched quietly as she assumed her human formed. One of the man took out a machete as he appoarched her and he was the first one to go.

My dad bit viciously into his neck then released him to the floor. He then proceed to break three of the other men's neck within seconds.

He made an advance to the other two but then my mom knodded no to him, then she flashed him a smile. My dad immediately stand down.

I watched as my mother assumed her shadow form and jumped into the man's body. His eyes turned blue.

The other man ran out of the tent. I left my hiding place as my mother manipulated the man's body like it was her own.

I saw my dad's eyes and mother's eyes widen as they look at me. Within an instant,  I felt someone grabbed me from behind.

My heart raced as I was unaware of what to  do. My mom twisted the man's head around to his back, I heard it snap as the man felt to the ground like clothes she was disposing of. She remain floating above his dead body.

"Let her go demanded my mother."

"I will not", said the man.

"Oh trust me, you will", said my father as he flashed his fangs.

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