Yashmin's Supposed fall

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Yashmin's POV

I wanted to respond to my mother but it was at this moment death and I became one.


"Yash, Yash" I heard a voice called from beyond. I felt my body shaking.

"Yash Yash", it continue. "Open your eyes", it said.

And when I did, I was greeted by Leona's smiling face. And a mad Miss James speeding towards me. What a nightmare I thought to myself as I quickly prepared myself for the hell Miss James was about to unleash on me, for sleeping in her class.

Yashshauna's POV

Today was the day I made good on my promise to my dad and the clans.

"Muron, remember I have to go house searching today, what's taking you so long to get ready?"

"Get ready, we are just going next door?"

"Muron, you know today I have to fulfill my promise to my dad."

"Yes darling, why do you think we are going next door.

I don't know how he expect to have four persons give up their houses because we asked nicely.

I watched as Muron storm pass me and to our neighbor on the right. I stand frozen in disbelief as he knocked on her door.

"We would like your house", he said.

"Ok", she responded.

Ok, ok I asked myself. Her answer was provoking me. How could you just give your house away to someone because they ask.

I stormed towards  them lucky enough to hear him made a demand at her again. "I need you out by the end of the week", he said.

This was absolutely crazy I thought to myself. As I turned around to face my husband.

When I looked upon his face, his eyes was fixed on our neighbor, as was hers on his.
His pupils were fully constricted and about the size of a small dot. It was like how neighbor was in a small trance. Not blinking, not breathing, it was as inf in that very moment she lived just to fulfill his every demand.

"Understand?", he asked.

"Yes", she responded.

My husband then broke his stare and she proceed inside instantly.

It was pretty weird, I looked at my husband and his eyes was normal.

"What was that?" , I asked him.

"That was me fulfilling your promise to your dad."

"But you can't do that"

"Why not?"

"Because it's not fair"

"Well life is not fair baby,  am sorry but if I am to help you protect them. They need to be where they are easily acceptable. This is what I must do."

He proceeded to the next house infront of ours on the next side of the road. He did the very same thing he did previously. And again his wishes was granted.

"How do you just get them to do what you want", I asked him.

"Have you seen my face?, I am very handsome."

"That cannot be it, and it like you hypnotize them. "

"It's actually call compulsion."

"Can you teach me to do that?"

"Sure but tell me how do you feel about becoming a vampire."

I rolled my eyes at him as he proceeded to the house on the left of the house infront of us.

"Well it is something only vampires can do, so you decide. And let me know when you are ready."

He knocked on the door. No answer came. He knocked again.

"They are not home, come."

He titled his head to the side before he responded. "Yes they are are, I can hear someone coming near the door." 

"I need your house", he said

"No", he responded as he closed the door.

"Impossible"said my husband

"What's Impossible?"

"He isn't suppose to be able to refused me like that", he responded as he sniffed the door. "Unless".....

"Unless what", I asked.

"Never mind our phone is ringing, please go and answer it "

"I don't hear nothing."

"Hun I am the one with the super hearing", he said.

I ran across the street, took the call and within 6 minutes I was back at my neighbors house but something was different. What was that smell, where is Muron I thought to myself.

I pushed out my neighbors house and I was shocked. Blood saturated the floor of the room. I hurriedly close the door behind me.

I proceeded further to see my husband step out from behind a wall. Holding what seem to be a heart into his hand, an actual human heart. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came.

I spend 6 minutes in my house and back. And muron used that six minutes, to slaughter and killed our neighbor of so much years all because he said no.

"It isn't as it seems", he responded

"No, so you didn't just murder our neighbor so you could have the house?"

"No, I swear it. He was an accident waiting to happen."

"Accident, it seems as if you had fun."

"Baby just relaxed and I'll tell you what happened."

"You see after you left her to answer the phone. I knocked on the door again. He opened and told me to come inside. When I went Inside that's when it happened. He changed. "

"What do you mean changed."

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