Yashmin's dilemma

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The comfort of the cold water against my skin was refreshing.  But I was starting to look rather pale, I thought to myself. Maybe it was time I leave the cold shower but I didn't want to.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Leona, is that you", I called out.

"No it is me", responded my mother. "Leona   went downstairs for a drink of water."

"Well mom......", I said attemping to tell her not to come inside. But was put to silence when I saw my mother entered the bathroom from the small opening under the door.

"How, how?", my mouth hang open in surprised.

"Darling close your mouth. You too can come through small cracks and spaces in shadow form. But that's not why I am here. Maybe I should take you to see the doctor. I went outside and as Leona said, the sun wasn't really hot."

"I am ok now mom, I just needed a cool bath it seemed. "

"Mmmm are you sure?"

"Yes I am."

"Well I think it's time you came out the tub. You are looking rather pale", she said.

"Mom could you stop floating, it sort of distracting", I said.

She spinned around in the air and assumed her human form before  grounding herself.
Mom was definitely showing off today.

She opened the bathroom door and exited into my room.

"Hi Mrs Jones,  I didn't realize you were here."

"I came up to check on Yash. She will be out in a second and then I expect. Both you girls to shower and come down and help me to prep dinner."

"Ok", said Leona.

Their conversation irritated me. Leona was not like me, she was obedient and she respected adults as much as she valued their guidance. In other words, she always did just what my mother requires of her and nothing else. So I knew in a few minutes we would be in that God awful kitchen,  doing that God awful thing call cooking.

Yashshauna's POV

Yash had assure me, she was fine but I wasn't sure. She look rather pale and it wasn't because I frighten her.

Something is going on with that child. Maybe I should call my dad and find out if any other one of the children were having any issues of thirst and heat.

I took up the phone and dialed the numbers but then I saw my husband vehicle pulled into the drive way. So I ended the call. I didn't want him walking in on my conversation about things, he knew nothing about.

He came inside kissed me on the cheek and greeted me the way he did many times before . Down the stairs came Yash and Leona.

I watched as she leaped in the arms of her father like a child. It brought me pure satisfaction witness the love they had for each other.

After Yash and Muron's hug ended, Leona greeted him as she always did. In came Muron's mother or so he told us.

She was suppose to be a 59 year old but she looked like a 20 year old. Her flawless skin complemented her beauty. And when she spoke.....my heart raced.

When Muron met me, he said I was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. And now since I met his mom, I knew he was being modest. Beauty was not foreign to Muron. His mother wore it quite well.

"Hello ", she said.....her voice calm and soft.

"Hello", I said, flashing her a kind smile.

"Hi grandma", said Yashmin shyly. I guess the rejection she felt from her prior grandmother make it easy for her to think, this one would reject her as well.

I watched as Muron's mother embraced her into her arms, smiling ear to ear and then she spoke, "Hi it's a pleasure meeting you in person, princess."

"Mom", said Muron as he flashed her a warning look.

"Relax, relax Muron am not here to spoil her", she responded.

We all giggled cautiously. Muron's mother was much nicer than mine was.


"Are you ok Yashmin, you are looking a little pale", I heard her father said.

"Yes I am", she responded. " I had been exceptionally thirsty today but I had a cold shower and am feeling better."

I watched as Muron and his mother turn to face each other.

"Exceptionally thirsty ?", asked her grandmother with a pleasing tone in her voice.

"Yes Mom but she is fine now", said Muron.

I didn't understand why Muron and his mother was facing off about Yash being thirsty, it was strange and unsettling.

Anyway Yash, Leona and I madeourr way into the kitchen to make dinner.

"What should we do Mrs Jones", asked a eager Leona.

"Why don't you take the rice from the cupboard and wash it. Yash can get me the vegetables for the salad. The meat is already done."

They did as they were told and the cooking got on the way. We were laughing and talking the way we normally do. While I was chopping the vegetables. I look up on Yash and she was sweating. I watched her swallowing continously over and over again. I was about to ask her if she was ok. When I accidentally cut into my finger, instead of the carrot.

"Mom ", she exclaimed in fear. Her grandmother and dad ran over to where we were. Leona looked up.

"Are you ok Yashshauna?", asked Muron.

"Yes just a little cut, everybody please as you were. Yash can just get me a bandaid from the drawer, while I run this under water."

My instructions was given clearly but the only two persons who followed them was Leona and Yash. Leona went back to preparing the rice. While Yash headed for the band-aid. Muron and his mother remained put with concern.

I quickly ran my finger under water and dried it with a paper towel at the sink. Yash came quickly with the band-aid. I removed the napkin and asked her to a place it on. She hesitated.........."Yash hurry up", I demanded but she just stood frozen.

I looked up at her to see what was wrong and I didn't recognize the person before me. Her canines grew in length; and was on exhibition on the outside of her lips. Her lips was red as blood, a shade I didn't recognize before. Her eyes still it's oceanic blood saturated with fear. Fear I also felt as I remembered the conversation I had with my mom; a day or two ago. Her voice echoing in my head: "inhumane, inhumane."

I froze up entirely, not being able to produce speech. I saw Muron stepped in and ushered Yash out the kitchen. As we had seemed to got Leona's attention.
Muron's mom proceeded to cover my wound.

"Are you ok, Mrs Jones", asked Leona.

"Yes I am", I answered forcing a smile as tears streamed down my cheek.

Muron's mother took over where I failed to.
"Why don't everybody just sit down, I'll finish up the cooking ", she said. 

Leona looked at me for confirmation and I knodded. We both left the kitchen. Leona excused herself and went upstairs to Yash room.

Muron mom's demeanor was rather calm. Her smiled sparkled upon her face and I somehow knew she was responsible for this.

Word from author
What is happening with Yash? And most importantly will her mother disown her too? 

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