Muron Jones

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"You do realize you are running out of time Muron", said my mother. "Today your daughter is 15, it won't be long now. You need to tell them the truth."

"If I tell my wife, what you are suggesting I tell her. She will have me committed; to a white room with padded walls. This isn't something you just get up away several years and say one morning."

"Well you must do something soon because this isn't something to allow them to find out on their own. Your time is running out. Besides your daughter is royalty, she will be well recieved"

Maybe my mother was right or maybe I could twist the narrative. Afterall I didn't judge Yashshauna or questioned her actions, when she had my whole living room peeled and reduced to nothing but dirt; that she just threw a carpet over. She said it made her comfortable; and made her feel at home.

Yashshauna's family was very weird in my opinion. Things they did,just didn't make sense to me. Like why do we need a dirt floor room. But I allowed it anyway.

I understand that my wife was raised in a sort of cult I would say. However my wife and her family never worship any strange Gods, figures nor the devil for that matter. But it was a cult because their practices were common amongst them only.

I didn't judge her for it. Maybe she won't judge me either, when she learns of the secret I have been keeping. But out of all honesty. This secret is not one like dirt floors. Many have been crushed by its weight. And when I speak of it. Everything will change forever.

I love my wife and my daughter, it is why I hid it from them. But with my daughter now being 15, this will be harder to keep. Not telling them means they will find out on their own.

"Don't you think it's time I meet the little one", asked my mother.

"Mother, you acting as if you have never speak to them ever. You have spoke to my wife and daughter several times "

"Muron, do you realize how ridiculous you sound. This woman must be a witch or something. Have she placed a spell on you. I have never heard you cower before or behind any woman. But this woman seems to bring fear out in you. You do realize her time will come as well."

"Her time mother."

"Yes the family will never accept her as she is. Isn't that the reason you have kept her hidden all this time. As the leader of our clan, our people; you are expected to lead by example. And I think you know that."

"Mom can you just not start that today."

Notification on Computer
Video call from  Yashshauna

"Mmmm Speak of the magic woman and she presents herself."

"Mother please step away from the screen and just be quiet, ok."

"If only your dad could see his heir now."

I rolled my eyes at her as she walk out of frame. I open the screen and accepts the call.

"Hey babe, we are back. What time you coming home?

"Am not sure yet but I'll let you know", I said as I noticed my mother entering the frame. I placed my hand over the camera but I was too slow.

"Who is that?", questioned Yashshauna.

"Better tell her who I am before she thinks you are cheating", whispered my mother.

I rolled my eyes as I remove my hand from the camera.

"Babe, this is my mother."

"You didn't tell me, she was here. Is she coming home with you. We would love to meet her in person. Come Yashmin, come see your grandma."

I watched as Yash entered the screen grinning from ear to ear.

"See what you have done", I said to my more while concealing my lip movements with a smile.

"Oh it was on purpose darling", she responded doing the same.

"Awh Muron you didn't tell me Yash was so beautiful, she is indeed a befitting of a princess."

I gave her a warning look.

"So will you be coming for dinner Grandma Jones."

"Yash am sorry grandma has to....."

"Of course, I will be. I take my stake medium rare."

"What were you saying about grandma dad."

"Oh nothing, we will be there at 8. By Yash, by babe."

Video call ends


"Don't mom me. You think I was going to just sit down as you continue to shut me out of their lives. They need to be prepared and you refuse to, so I am."

"Mom I promise you that if you tell them without Mt consent, I will never speak to you again."

"You would cut off your own mother?"

"Do you want to try and see."

"I promise I'll be on my best behavior. Just hurry up and get done here, so I may hug my grandchild", she said wondering off.

Maybe this is the universe telling me it's time I come clean. Or this could just be my mom stirring up trouble. But either way, seems like it's time to face the music.

Word from author
Questions to ask yourself

What secret is Jones hiding?

Will he tell them?

Or will his mother?

Who knows? May we find our next read.

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