Roy.....Roy alive or dying?

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Roy's POV
I was frozen by his gaze. Haunted by what may be the outcome of helping the dead to decieve the living.

"Well", said the vampire as he started walking towards me. Before he could finish his wife held on to his shoulder and stop him on his path.

He looked back at her and she nodded no. He looked at here with sad eyes disappointing and pleading but she held her ground.

That's when I knew I was save from his wrath.

She asked him to leave but he remind her that he has a body he needed to first disposed of.

In a bit to get them out of my house I told them I would do it. That I could managed.

A smile crept up on the vampire's face as he realized leaving me with a body to dispose of was the greatest punishment yet.

He took his wife up into his arms and within seconds they were out of my basement and out of what I hoped was my apartment.

My wobbly knees finally gave out as I stumbled to the floor. I was happy I was not dead. I sat there a good five minutes before I got up and went into the hall.

I took up my phone and dialed her number.
She answered in a his.

"It is done", I said. "I think they will grow to trust me."

She was very pleased with me as was I with myself.

Simultaneously happening next door
Yashshauna's POV

"Muron I don't think it was wise to left him with a dead body to dispose of."

"Why? rather we have two to dispose of than. He disposes of one and prove that we can trust him."

"Trust a stranger with our family Muron.........have you completely lost it."

"Well you told me not to kill him, why would you do that?"

"Because two murders on one day isn't ideal."

"You stop me from drinking warm blood from a body because it isn't ideal. What we are isn't ideal. Am dead, your are dead, our child is well.....dead. I don't care about what's ideal."

"No I stopped you so I could do this", I said as I shifted into ghost form.

"You forget that he knows that trick huh", said Muron as he chuckled.

I was upset and almost ashamed. I know dad had warned to stop doing what I was about to do but my pride was damaged, I had to make a mence.

I simply transformed back into my human form, and sat beside him. And simply walked out of my body.

"How about this one?", I asked him.

Muron heard my voice, turn around to face me and all he found was my lifeless body lying there.

I heard the panick in his voice but I didn't have time to watch this play out. So I reached down and pulled him from his body as well.

"Yashshauna I thought you were, wait are you", He said as he looked on me. "Are we", he rephrase as he stared upon our bodies on the couch.

"No relax you are not dead, I have simply removed you from your body."

"Simply removed me?", he asked. "Can you just simply return me? I am already walking around dead"

"Sure, as soon as we are finished." I said to him as I grabbed his hand and head to our neighbors apartment. Through walls, bushes, and even people who stood in our way. Nothing or Noone noticed.

"Yashshauna?", said Muron.

"No Muron we are not dead", I told him what he so desperately wanted to hear as we decended into the basement.

This was one of the things that made me and my people special; we have the abilities of the dead people and of shadows. Murron have not seen half of what I can do.

My father is generally scared by it. Because while all of us has these abilities. Not everyone has matured to the point where they can tap into their ghost side. There shadow side is more innate.

I could do it from birth. What I think really scares him is the price you pay, each time you choose to travel as a spirit in this world.

"Look at that!", I said to Murron touching him trying to direct his attention to Roy with urgency.

Roy was over the carcass sniffing it and smiling. I just knew he had to be crazy......I thought to myself .

But it seemed Roy was also hungry. I watched as Roy messily devour the dead body. He dismembered it with malice in his heart.

We saw and heard muscles and flesh tearing as well as bones cracking. When Roy was finished. He simply lick the blood off the floor and any other juices that would of leaked from the dead body.

I struggle to find my speech. My husband was just a bewildered.

"What is he?", I asked my husband.

"I don't know what he is but what he isn't, is human. "

My heart was troubled. All these different creatures kept crawling out into the supernatural world. Exposing themselves.......shooking the ground under our very feet.

How do I unsee what I just saw. A human ate an entire human in a way which displayed he was indeed a monster encase in the shell of a human.

This is how he knew what my husband was. This is how he could see me in my shadow form.

Now I am not sure, I want to move the children here. In fact I feel the need to leave this community and take my child with me. This isn't a mere cannibal.

Roy's POV

That was surely delicious I thought to myself, as I lick my lips and finger tips. This is why I agreed to taking this job had its perks.

Spying on for her would put me in high places and Spying on this family, befriending them would be the greatness kindness to my stomach.

My thoughts was interrupted as I felt a familiar feeling coming over me.

My body ached terribly as my bones break and realigned to expose my true nature.

When I feed, what I am must come out if even for a while.......I thought as the pain became unbearable.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah", left my lips as my reality tore me apart as it did so often.  I felt light headed and then it happened.

Word from authors
Hi my loyal readers, I am excited about the next chapter. I can't wait to see what transpires next?........

What burning questions do you need answers to?

I myself just need to know what creature is Roy? Who is this person he is working for and why do they require him to spy on my favorite family?

What will Yashshauna and Muron do after the events of this evening.

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