The settling of the dust

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Yashmin's POV
So it's been a day , things have started to calm down. My grandma and great mother still lingered near. I have been on edge ever since my grandma made it known that my murder is a great privilege.

Her condescending tone when she said....... "if people didn't want to kill you, I would be worried"............had left a feeling of impeding dawn on my shoulders and at the bottom of my stomach.

Like who says that to a scared child. Was the aim to calm and comfort me or for me to piss my pants. Grandma Yashseana was such a rare beauty, her narcissistic personality was an expectation. This woman stood tall, her gaze fierce and her words like sharpen daggers.

She was one to fear but also one to be respected.

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Great grandmother Jennessa was such a great nurturer. I thought as she ran her fingers through my hair. She never let me feel like my fear was unnecessary or foolish and she has been gentle in her appoarch.

I felt safe and comfortable with her. I felt like any incoming danger would of to come through her to get to me.

Yashseana on the other hand may suggest and expect any incoming danger to fear me afterall. "I am to be chief and I am McMelon", I whispered mockingly.

"Thats the attitude", responded Grandma Yashseana.

I gasp in surprise as I covered my lips with my fingers.

"Don't bother dear child, when McMelons speak their minds. They don't apologize", she said.

I wasn't apologizing I just like talking to myself without other people interfering.....I muttered under my breath.

"Aunty, Aunty", I heard a voice said as she beat down our front door.

I don't know where she misplaced her aunt but I was sure, she wasn't here or so I thought.

"Meli is that really you?", I heard my grandma responded as she head towards our front before she stopped abruptly and started speaking again.

"Why am a rushing to open a door for you Meli, and why are you still out there knocking?", she asked. "Just get in here and stop being ridiculous."

I listened but heard no response from this Meli person.

But I soon realized my grandmother gaze became fixed on the door.

And Within an instant white vapors evaporated from the bottom of the door, into the room. As my grandma smiled extended up to her ears.

"Not yet", said my grandma. "Show me what I taught you."

The vapors became thicker and whiter as they spread out, making a mist. All I could see was white.

Yashshauna's POV

"Why is everything covered in mist in this house", I shouted from the kitchen.

" dare she."

Yashmin's POV

"Ok now", said my grandma and just like that the mist that was covering what I assumed was the entire house, starting to withdrew and going back to its origin.

My mother walked into the room with a angry look on her face.

And just like that the mist was gone and Melissa appeared into the room. My grandma grabbed and hug her. This action seemed to have provoke my mom very much.

"What are you doing here?", asked mom.

"I heard my favorite aunt was here, I had to see for myself", responded Melissa.

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