Awaken in fear

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Yashshauna's POV

"Mom is awake!", I heard somebody shout.

Is that Yashmin I thought to myself. It was indeed her. Due to where I was and what I was facing, there was no time to remember, that the last night I saw her. She was knocked out by her dad.

Yashmin has always been stunning but she now had this beautiful glow. Something about being a vampire I envied. Their natural alluring beauty. It was what made them such successful predators. They preys would come to them willing.

She embraced me in a hug while she cried. Seeing her cried made me cry.

"Where am I?", I asked her.

"We are at home", she answered.

"Where at home, I do not recognize this place."

"Mom you mean a tent", she said giggling.

"Oh yes it is actually a tent", I said as I smiled.

"You are in the backyard."

I looked up and saw my husband, my dad, Sarafena and Muron's mom entering.

I embraced my child once more and rest my mouth near her ear. "If I ever see you defy your father like that again Yash, I will punish you severely. Vampire or not."

She looked at me and I flashed her my ghost eyes, her head drop in submission.

"Good so I take it you understand. Now step aside."

After they came in Yashmin went outside. I hugged each of them; one after the other. Sarafena hesitate but I made sure to hug her anyway.

Not because I missed her but because I somehow knew she was responsible for all the blood I was covered in.

My suspicions was confirmed when my dad told me that Muron had call him 3 in the morning. He said he was told that my eyes was turned over into my head. And that I wasn't moving or displaying most signs of life except for breathing.

He said he and Sarafena rushed here. When they got here they recognized exactly what was happening but when they saw a day pass they had to take precautions to make sure they wouldn't send me back.

Sarafena then told me the McMelons weren't the most loyal or upstanding family clan. They do what they want and they take who they want, when they want. They had to make sure I had something bounding me here.

"No disrepect and know I am grateful but tell me how sprinkling me with stranger's blood was expected to bound me here earthly."

"Oh that's what you thought this is. This is actually blood of your father, your daughter, your husband and the witch doing the ceremony."

"I don't believe it to be possible, with you all loosing so much blood. You shouldn't be alive ."

"Well I know my job well. Besides this was a combination. A witches' brew. Just focus on the fact that you are still here", urged Sarafena.

"Witches brew?"

"What is witch craft if not combining agents to achieve the desired effect. Look someday you will understand. Right now the chief and I have to get back."

"Get back?", I asked.

"Yes and remember the council was promised something, we are expecting it to be made true", said my dad.

I watched him held on to Sarafena and watched them vanish in thin air. The word promise is starting to become so much of an irritation. Whenever promises were made to these people, you had to make sure. It was something you could deliver on.

Mostly important I can't believe my dad just ran off on me especially after he said he knew what happened.

"Are you ok honey?"

"Am I ok, am I ok. Do you even know what I have been through."

"You think you the only one who had a hard time. Imagine dealing with your daughters vampire issues and then you wife blocking out for two entire days."

"Hmmm I understand but it makes no sense, I was only gone hours. How did it become days."

"Gone where?"

"I'll tell you later but tell me what were you thinking about knocking our daughter out like that?"

"You got to understand our little girl is no longer just a little girl. She is now a teenage vampire with urges. If I allow her to do as she please you will be asking me to do more than just knock her out."

"I am quite pleased with her", said his mother.

Of course she would be pleased, my daughter is acting like a literal abomination. I though as we exited the tent and went inside. I then proceeded to go shower and Muron went to get rid of the tent.

I turned the pipe on in the shower and stepped under it, then I started to cry. They want me to kill my only child. I will not do it. I can only hope the McClearies have the answer to prevent the occurrence of such a crime against my own heart and against the laws and morals of society. Mother killing child. This is outrageous, this is never been heard off. This is just wrong.

Yashmin's POV
"Mom are you ok", I asked beyond the door of the shower. I was sure I had lost her for good. I am so happy she is back. And intact.

Well that's what am hoping to find out, the scent of the blood Sarafena covered her in; wasn't doing a good job of covering her emotions. I could of swore I sensed a hint of fear or unsurety from her. But my vampire senses are not experienced as dad's or grandma's but it was worth making sure.
I thought as I waited patiently for my answer.

Minutes passed and she opened the door. She looked at me sitting at the door the way she did when I ran to her for help; concern but confident and equipment with every solution I have ever needed.

I quickly sniffed the air to analyze any odor she was emitting, in an attempt to characterized her emotional state. But I got nth. I quickly listened to her heartbeat. It was steady and stable. I glanced upon her face again and her lips curled up in a smile.

"Of course I am ok", she responded. Opening her arms for me to hug her.

I ran into her arms and she embraced me. I look up at her and she transformed into her  ghost form. As her blue eyes peered down upon me and her hair tickle my skin gently.

I smile bright eye and then I took, assumed my ghost forms within her arms.

As we hug, my previous actions began to disgust me, I regret defying my father and upsetting my mother. I started to regret being whom I was overall. I look up at her and in my mind I whispered. "I am sorry mom, I love you."

"I love you too", I heard her responded in my head.

"Wait are we talking inside our heads", I wondered.

"Yes sweety we are. It seemed your other abilities are setting in. Whenever we are in our ghost form. We are able to communicate telepathically. It's something that bonds us as mother and daughter",  she said.

It's like my mother just always know what I need. Whether it be a kind word or a comforting embrace. She was always there to give it, to me.

And just like that all my fears melted away and I found comfort in the arms of my superwoman.

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