Muron's murderous act

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Yashshauna's POV

"I meant he changed literally. Remember that attack on your clan; that led up to us going house searching today."

"Yes but what does that have to do with anything?"

"He was one of them."

"What do you mean one of them?"

"He literally changed!"

"You keep saying that but changed into what?"

"Into that", he responded as he pointed to the dead body on the floor.

The man was dressed in a all too familiar robe with a very familiar crosses in his hand.
I felt my fear overtook me.

"But how, what? Have he been living here and watching us all this time. I mean we allow Yashmin to wonder these streets unattended."

"Sssssh", said Muron.

"What do you mean ssssh?"

"There is a noise coming from the basement. That might just be the one with the answers", said Muron.

"Another one", I whispered as a smile crept up on my face. 

My husband glance at me out of concern as if he knew what I was about to do.

"Don't", he said.

But it was too late, I had already changed into my shadow form and started descending through the floor on which we stand to have my way with the accomplice.

Funny enough my husband and I entered the room the very same second, as if we were in sync.

What we saw was just a mere man tied to a post. The visuals wasn't like that of a accomplice but of a man that as been hold against his will. I studied him in detailed knowing he could not see me. I floated around him in circles. Then my husband spoke.

"Who are you?", Muron asked.

The man grunted his responses as if he could not speak.

Wait he literally could not speak. Somehow I overlooked the tape spread out over his lips. And so did my husband.

I point to it and he removed it as I watched from the shadows.

The man let who a yelp.

"Who are you", asked my husband again....."and why are you chained on a post in the basement of a killer."

"I am Roy, this is my apartment. I was being held captive by the man you killed upstairs."

"Killed you have made two mistakes so far", responded my husband.

"What are those?", asked the man.

"Firstly you assumed I killed a man and secondly if I am a assumed murderer, assumed murders don't let people go."

The man eyes reflected immensed fear but then again he spoke. "That might be so but her eyes reflect pure kindness."

"Her!!"  "Me!"

"You can see her?"   "You can see me?"

My husband  and I was once again in sync.

"What are you?", asked my husband with his hand upon the strange must be creature's neck.

I quickly changed and made an effort to restrain him. His hands slipped from the man's neck.

"Who are you?", I asked him.

"Who I am doesn't matter? I am no one but who I can be is much more important.  I can be your friend."

"Friend!", shouted my husband as he sniffed the air, hoping for some glimpse into the man's identity.

"You don't have to believe me however you do have to let me go. You see the man you killed a little while ago. Had call the police before he let you in. He some how knew he would meet his end. I will gladly send them away if you give me a chance to."

We look at each other wonder what to do. "Let him go", I said.

"What?", asked by husband.

"If he betrays us we can always kill him and whatever police wanders in on the scene unluckily. Or you could always will  them to forget."

"Well you are right about that."

"Shit the body upstairs", said muron.

"It's ok........ lets just move the body here  and quickly sanitize the environment with bleach for the blood smell." He said as he made his way upstairs.

"Where are you going?", I asked.

"To make myself visible on the lawn. You all just do what I say. And Stay hidden until the police leave here."

My husband sped away in full vampire speed and within 30 minutes top. The lifeless body was in the basement with us.
We were really hoping our choice in trusting this stranger would be for nothing.

Quick word from the author.
I am about to introduce a new characters POV. I am hoping his presence will be rewarding while he lives in this story. It is yet to know if he is friend or Foe. Will he really help Muron and Yashshauna or is he setting them up to be catch red handed. Who knows. Read on.

Roy's POV

I hurriedly removed my clothes. Turn on the sprinklers in my yard and began running around in them like a child. I could hear the police cars appoarching. Based on the volume of sounds their sirens were emitting. They couldn't be far away.

When they finally came, they came in two. Only one car I thought to myself, a man called to report that someone was trying to harm him and the send only one car. Anyway let's not be distracted.

"Hello sir", the fat one called out to me as he questioned me bout my address. When I confirm it. He asked if this was my home and if I had call the police.

I confirmed that I live there and insisted no call was made by me. Each answer I gave to them was saturated in laughter .

The police men went back into their car......they seemed very annoyed. As they were grumbling about how mentally ill people weren't to be allowed, houses or phones.

Either way my job was done. I made my way inside to turn off the sprinklers but before I could. I was face to face with my killers or my friends; yet to be decided.

My instincts demanded that I started running but I stood my ground grazing deeply into the eyes of a vampire.

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