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I locked the door and immediately return to the bed and hugged her tight in my arms stroking her hair and occasionally kissing her. She cried more...... And with hiccups she said.... I..... Di... Didnt..... Tri.... Tried..... To...... Grab.... His.... Attention.... Tru.... St.... Me..... Please..... Please.... I didn't.... Please baby please calm down I know you didn't please... They all are just speaking rubbish I know please stop crying na baby. U saw na I beat the shit out of me... Don't worry na love... Please stop crying... I can't see you like this... I started calming her.... After sometime she was little calm. I held her around her shoulder with one hand and took the first aid from the drawer with the other hand and kept it on the bed. I held the shirt on her shoulder to remove... But she got stiff and shake her head as no.

Baby please... I just want to put medicine on your scratch and no one is hear. She relaxed I sat on the bed and pulled her in my lap. She sat facing me crossing her legs arround my waist. I slowly removed my shirt from her shoulder.... Took the cotton dip in dettol and put on her scratch .... She hissed and held me tightly scratching around my neck ... I blowed air on her scratch and she shivered... After putting the bandaid I kissed her forehead, eyes ,nose and cheeks she came more closer toward me and hugged me more tightly .The friction caused on our lower body due her movement and her bosom crashed hard with my chest creating heat in my body.

To avoid this situation I slightly laid her down and kept stroking her hair and after few mins I saw she was in deep sleep. I covered her with blanket and left the room by closing the door and went downstairs. I saw everyone was sitting there.... Shrinu my baby is fine na asked bava... Don't worry she is fine and sleeping in my room. After hearing this everyone felt relief. Shrinu we decided that you should get married as it's already too late for you said my appa.
Seriously appa out of all the time now you want to discuss this... Seriously I didn't expect this from you. Actually shrinu please listen to us... Your appa is right your all siblings children are married and welcoming there own child and you didn't even married... That's why we want you to get married and that also to our aishwarya... Please

Did I hear it right... They left a bomb on me... If they would have said the same thing in different situation I would have instantly said yes.... But now when all of these happened and my baby is not in good condition... I can't and moreover how could they say this when bhava is hear ... So I said.. Amma... Appa you gyus are gone crazy... How could I and moreover this is not a right time and I am eleven year older than her and did you asked bhava... How could you.
Bhava I am really sorry on there behave.... Act... Shrinu please marry aishwarya. She can't get a good husband like you... They way you gide her... Protect her and take care of her... Being a father what else I can ask for and about age.... It's doesn't matter.. I will not be able to find anyone better than you and this all is decided by me your sister and other elders ..... Hearing this I looked at others... And they all nodded.

Okh I will marry her only when she will say yes but nobody will force her . Bhava and others noded saying this.... I left from there to the terrace.... And thought about today... When I heard a loud noise of falling something I ran downstairs and saw a water bottle fallen down and beside that someone had held my baby and trying to kiss her.... Disgusting I felt like opening his heart and gave a tight punch... And kept punching until he became lifeless... Thinking about this.. My knuckles are paining slightly... I light a cigarette and drag two puffs... Uhh I feel little calm... Will she say yes to marry me....but if she say no...but wait I finally got a chance to keep her with me...i will try atleast......but whatever she says will be the final decision .I finished my smoke went down to check on her .

She is sleeping like a baby my baby.... I kissed her cheeks and left from there. Went to varanda and slept there with others.

Next day as usual everyone woke up and got busy in there respective work as yesterday a big function was held... So there was lot of work to be done.... But nobody woke up the princess as it was strictly order by Mr. Shrinivas and they also knew... Yesterday took a big troll on her.

Aishwarya woke up due to the sunrays falling on her face through the balcony. She woke up and look around herself then it hit her what happened yesterday and she felt tears pricking her eyes... She instantly wiped it and felt disgusted with herself but suddenly she remember how her mama protected her fight for her and care for her... And the words he said to her.... Instantly a smile come on her face. My mr. beast is not that bad... Umhmm someone is saying mine.... Her inner self mocked her..... But the way he kissed me and the moment when I was sitting on his lap and that tight hug ..... Made goosebumps on my whole body. I know this is wrong but I wanted him to touch me more.... Uhh leave it...

With all blushing and getting shy sge got fresh.... Took shower and decided to say thanku to her beast... She happily went down and saw everyone was there except the one she was looking her... Seeing her everyone asked her... About her health and she gave a positive reply and the glow on her face was matching her Statment. You are really fine na akka... Asked her brother ram... Yes I am don't worry.... But where is shrinu mama... Ohh he went to look after some work he must be comming by now... Hearing this she got happy and sat to have breakfast with others.

Aishwarya we want you to get married... And we have found a best groom for you....hearing this from siddhart mama and patti... I got shock.... I slowly asked them... Is this because of yesterday event and you gyus think it was my fault... I looked at appa... Instantly appa cupped my face and said no baby not at all its just that we found the best person for you.... I don't want to loose it... I will just get you engaged and you can get married after few months please baby it's all about... You see everyone is married and I want the best for you and dont want to leave this opportunity as everyone already has gathered.... We can have a engagement. Don't you want to know who is the groom.... Who I asked... Your shrinu mama.... He will marry you... Will you please accept him.... I instantly got up from the chair and looked at my appa and said.......How could I marry him.... I am scared of him and we have so much age difference and I never thought of marrying him... will he... will he love me... pamper me but he talk so less, is he even romantic... hey prabhu what to do.?

Everyone laughed at this seriously.... I am talking something serious... Don't worry he will be way more romantic teased my chitti and will pamper you didn't you saw yesterday.... Said my amma yes she is right. I did saw his that side yesterday. And dont you trust your appa he will love you more than me... I always wanted him to be my son in law...

Suddenly we heard a noise of thud and there stood my beast in all his glory.. Wearing goggles white shirt and lungi..slightly sweaty due to the heat.Uff so hot... My beast.... Suddenly what had happened to you... Calling my and my... My inner self mocked me.. Because yesterday I felt protected... And respected and trust... Which is the most important thing for building any relationship and not to forget that heat in my body and that tingling between my legs...
Suddenly he kept the things and left from there saying nobody will force her.
Now also he cares for my feelings only.. So what do you.... Say if you want you can take time said my appa..... Pulling my attention toward him.No appa I am fine with this but I need to talk once with him.... I am so happy... Trust me you will never regret your this decision.. Saying this appa and amma kissed my forehead and everyone said... Now go and talk to him.

When I entered the house I heard her saying me being not romantic.... She doesn't have any idea how much romantic I am and then the age topic.... In this I really can't help but I really love her and then what my bhava said.. I really felt obliged... Uhh I am frustrated I want her to say yes... I lighted the cigarette and started smoking coming my nerves......I don't have any option I have to maary her. I know she doesn't like me and I can't see tears in her eyes but I don't have any option... I will protect her with my life ... yes. For once I want to be selfish

Suddenly I heard the door opening sound and I looked back slightly putting my hand down as I was holding cigarette and there was my baby... I saw her locking the door and she came toward me with a questioning gaze....

Longest chapter....this was last update for today... Sorry for the mistake and do vote and comment please.

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