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The moment she entered her room it felt like a beautiful world.. And just thinking that this all was done by her ennanga... Who is sitting miles apart from her... But still manges to do everything... She sat on the bed and layed on the big teddy bear kept on the bed...softness of the fur made her sleepy and her eyes travelled to the platinum ring with diamond on it... Instantly a smile spread on her face and she kept staring at the ring...

And she thought...the person i was scared of the person who always used to scold me.. The grumpy man will be her husband... Seriously life us unpredictable u don't know what happens next.. That also i never thought that this man was crazy about me.. From such a long time and i never knew it... So it is true the people u love most.. U express most to them... He was not able to show his love.. So be being angry and controlling he showed his right on me... Ohh God..

I never new that man  will say sorry Or Literally beg for me to forgive him.. But again love make u do what not.. With all these thoughts... She slept

andon the other side finally someone was being happy as his baby is happy now... Sitting in the meeting room... And looking in the screen were the manager was saying something.. Exactly saying something because he was lost in the thoughts of her beautiful wife... Yes wife because for him she is already is his wife

He was still not able to believe that the love of his life is his now.... He never thought he will really get her but see he got her and today seeing her on video call.. He was like fuck did she grew up in few days.... Sir.. Sir... Sir... Yes he answered comming out of his trance and looked at the head.. Who was continuously calling him.. Ohh God i again distracted.. He thought and with a huff he got up and fixed his coat and left the meeting room his assistance dismissed the meeting and left the conference room behind him..

Sir.. Sir u still need to attend a meeting with the vk corporation..okh send me the details and about them and send a black coffee please.. Saying this he left the cabin and started doing his work but that little girl was still messing with his mind and like this his whole day went with work and work and his baby... Finally around 11' o 'clock he got free.. Draging his tired body he got up from his seat took his coat.. Off the lights and left his cabin... His whole office was empty.. Having your own company is also like hell but it's fine working for your own dream..

He went to the garage kept his coat in the car and sat in the car.. Driver took the car on the road and they hed to home.. Finally he took the phone out of his coat and saw the girl of his life and instantly a smile crept on his face which vanished next second there were 5 missed calls and 10 message from his baby .. He instantly opend the screen lock and again her engagement picture was there he dialled her number and put the phone on his ear and on the third ring the phone was instantly picked up... And he just Uttered  a hello... And she started shouting...

Mr. Shrinivas have u seen the time where are you .. U should throw that phone because when required u never pick up the phone so there is no use for to have that worthless, useless thing.. But who cares u will toh do what u want what u feel nothing else..for once u didn't picked up your phone.. Are u still in office.. Are u still working tell me why are u silent speak something na...

With   a lugh he said i will speak only when ny Queen let me speak... Because she kept on speaking u tell me what should i do... Okh okh say... Aishwarya said little awkward.. Okh so i left the office i am on my way to reach the house.. Driver is driving the car and and i eat...did u eat... She said a yes and he again said thank you.. She immediately asked thank u for what.. Thank u for making my day.. Thank u for taking my tiredness away.. Thank u fir accepting me.. Thank you for loving me and thank u for everything... He said with a smile

Instantly a blush crept her face and she slowly said then you also deserve thank you for all the same think so thank you so much ennanga.. Once again.. He said she again said thank u... No not that after thank you .. She said ennanga with a question laced in her voice  ... Yes say this he confirmed her... Ennanga she uttered.. Again... He asked... Ennanga she again uttered he lazily laid his head on the seat and closed his eyes.. Feeling the peace in her ennanga word.. Ennanga.. She again uttered.. Once more baby.. Ennangaaaa she dragged getting irritated

You don't know but you are sounding like a seductress he said bringing the phone near his lips and she felt chill ran down her spines.. And she instantly bite her lips... Stop doing that.. That's my job to do
And wait for few months i would do that badly... Baby i love u.. I love you so much.
I love you too ennanga..she uttered Ummm.. He instantly made this sound closing his eyes.

Ennanga i want you to send me good morning voice note in the morning will you... No that's absurd he immediately said.. Yes please please please please.. She requested okh fine.. I will....perfect thank you so much she again said... Okh now sleep it's 12 u have college in the morning and i reached home.. He said in serious tone.. Yes yes.. Goodnight..miss me and love me only me ... She said.. I think u better know that i love only you.. And yes i will miss u and love you too baby.. Now sleep.. She hummed and disconnected the call and they she slept with  a happy smile and he entered his house got changed and slept...

Long chapter... Do vote and comment and do try my other stories and i know i am not updating recently but i am too busy.. But u will get a update soon.. Bye bye

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