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I wore my black dress which has a slit till my thighs and completely backless.. Making me look hot.. I agree i tied my hair in a bun.. Painted my lips red and yes i am ready to goo.. Umm i hope he will like all these preparation.. And today no matter what i will ask him.. Why he is creating distance between us??why he is behaving like this since our first night?? What's the problem and today he have to answer me yes....

Satisfied with my look i left my room and headed down stairs . The more i go down i could hear few voices.. Who has came that also at this time.. I get down the stairs and entered the living room and there i saw one lady sitting very close to him and he was unbothered and on the opposite side two men were sitting.. One i dont know but the other one is his assistant shayam.. I thought he is coming alone... Why did he brought these people at home...

I was lost in my thoughts whe suddenly i herd someone asking " Who are you " Hearing the question i look at the direction of voice and saw all of them were looking at me and his eyes we're like stuck on me... I don't know why he is shocked .. An i looking soo bad.. I knew i shouldn't were these kind of reveling dresses due to my thick thighs and heavy ass and bust...

Leave itt... Calm down ashu confident.. Be confident.. You can doo it girl.. I took a deep breath and walked toward the table and stood beside ennanga.. I slowly put my hand around his shoulder and removed her hand kept on his hand and said.. Hii myself aishwarya shrinivas his wife... Ohh God her expression changed to shocked then disappointed and anger ohh god i love her expression...ohh God well done ashu you did amazing.. I mentally pat myself and looked at her...

" You are married... You didn't told us and there was no news about it.. Is she saying truth " That girl asked ennanga more like a accusation.. I saw ennanga closed his eyes took a deep breath and said... " Yes i got married few days back and she is my wife ashu it was a traditional wedding done at my village with the presence of our family and relatives soo no news coverage was done... "

" You didn't invite anyone nor even gave a reception party " She again asked eyeing ne up and down...ennanga again took a deep breath and said..."Yes i didn't because i got married.. I didn't got a trophy to show people.. " She got silent and looked down.. I was keenly looking at her when a sudden question from ennanga took my attention toward him..

" I thought you were sleeping... And you are dressed up and all are you going somewhere.. " He asked me.. Even i didn't knew guests are comming for dinner tonight.. I said more like a taunt.. I am feeling too much anger inside me.. It was going to be our night but everything is spoiled now.. " Anyway welcome home guys and yes do enjoy your dinner " I said all smiling... All of them returned my gesture .. Except that girl..

I was walking toward the kitchen when suddenly i heard that women speaking again and this time it hurt me.. My stepps halted and she said " Look like someone is just a namesake wife.. Too bad isn't it "
I thought he would say something or answer her back for her words but he didn't uttered a single word.. I choose to ignore and entered  inside the kitchen ..
And guess what they are eating  my cooked food which all i prepared for him

Tears flow down my cheeks " Today i thought to ask him, question him and fix whatever problem is there but noo.. This also has to be spoiled.i cooked everything for him i wanted to serve him myself but that also not possible... I was crying holding the kitchen counter when suddenly umi heard someone foot steps
I immediately wiped my tears and pretend like nothing happen and then only a person entered..and he was non other than ennanga...

" Are you okay " ... He asked.. Yaa i am okay what will happen to me.. " He nodded his head filled the water jar and said " I earlier asked you a question where are you going why are you dressed  up soo much " .. I got angry hearing his question and said.. "Yes i am going on a date with rahul..he must be comming to pick me up " Ohhhh he said this and left from there.. I followed him outside..

He angrily sat on the chair and keep staring at the plate .. If eyes could kill that plate would have become powder by now.. I was staring at him when again that witch spoke.. Ohh God why can't she keep her mouth shut.. "Srinivas why are you not eating.. Please eat.. Look like your wife doesn't care for you at all.. Obviously why would she ... Just a namesake wife and this wife can't satisfy you in anything in life.. Specifically bed.. These young girls are too bad in bed an..

"GET OUT.. I SAID GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW.. SHAYAM TAKE THEM AWAY AND CANCEL THERE ALL PROJECTS.. " ennanga said this fuming in anger.. " But shrinu i was just concerned for you nothing else please dont do like this.. She said literally begging.. " I DIDN'T ALLOW YOU TO PASS COMMENT ABOUT MY WIFE AND OUR PERSONAL MATTERS . .. I SAID GET LOST.. OR I WOULD CALL MY GUARDS " They all rushed out of the house.. Even shayam left but not before wishing a good night to us...

I was shocked and angry how could she talk like this about me... I turned around to leave but he started coming behind my me calling my name.. But i ignored and kept walking...i was going to step on a stair when he pulled me with a force and our chest collided with each other..
" I am calling you since long... Why are you not responding.. I am really sorry ..i didn't knew she would talk like this.. I am really really sorry.. He said looking in my eyes and they were the most sincere eyes

" Why did you even bring them to house and didn't even inform me.. "I questioned him.. " I thought you were sleeping as always.. And i didn't want to disturbe you
So i didn't inform you..and they were repeatedly insisting that why i asked them for dinner that's it... He answered back.. Suddenly his hold tightened around me and he said... "I want to ask you something and i want your answer to be honest.. Even if you it hurts anyone "

I was confused but said okay ask m... He suddenly lift me in his arms and walked behind the stairs and pressed a button .. " What are you doing.. Put me down and where are you taking me " I asked him ... Shhhhh.. Calm down baby " He said and a door open with a ting.. And he entered inside with me in his arms.. " You have lift in house but they were looking like walls... And aunty also didn't told me about this.. " I question him back to back

"Nobody knows about this lift except me now you also.. It's fir emergency and other cases.. That's it. " With a ding the lift open and we were in the extream corner of our floor.. He walked toward our room and said " Open the gate " I did as he said.. He entered inside the room and walked toward the balcony.. He put me down and caged me between his arms... " Now answer my question.. Do you love someone "????  I looked at him.. Didn't i already told him that i love him then why this question.. " Yes i love someone " I answered i saw his expression change... His hold around the railing tighten..

" What happened.. Are you okay " I asked him concerned... He took a deep breath and looked at me with red eyes.. " Soo you need divorce.. Okay i will ask my lawyer to make the papers. ... He said.
What is he crazy or what.. I think he lost his brain... " Why would i want a divorce.. " I asked him holding his coller..
Just now you said you love someone.. So isn't it obvious you want to stay with him soo you need to get a divorce from me then only you can be with me... And dont worry i will tell our family that i didn't wanted this marriage.. So i filled the divorce nobody will blame you and yo....

I gave a tight slap right on his cheeck that his face turned to the other side due the effect.. Have you gone crazy or what.. Why will i take divorce from you when i love you.. I don't know about whom are you talking....

That's it... Stay tuned for the most awaited confession.. Do read vote comment and enjoy bye bye...

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