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IT'S 12 in the afternoon .. I am having cold coffee my favorite.. And trust me aunty cook amazing food.. So here I am enjoying it.. Sitting on the swing in the garden .. Enjoying the view and the light wind.. But it would have been great.. If he was also present but guess what.. It's been a week and I have not seen him. Last I saw him on the morning of second day of my college.. When he came to drop me that's it..

I even tried staying up till late at night.. So I could ask him but he started comming late at nights.. And leave early morning.. I don't know what happened to him.. I still remember on the afternoon of our reception everything was fine ,but after comming from reception he was little distant from me..on first night also he didn't do anything.. He avoid touching me and being intimate with me.. First I thought it might be his work pressure and all but  noo.. There is something wrong..

I don't know what wrong I commited.. He control himself from touching me and being close with me.. I was happy at least he is comming to pick and drop me from college.. But he suddenly stopped that also.. I don't know what should I do.. How should I make him communicate with me.. Am I not beautiful enough for him or does he think I am not mature enough.. But if this was the case then he wouldn't touch me like that before marriage.. Then suddenly what..

"Baby do you need anything else " Aunt said bringing me out of my thoughts.. I turned toward her and stood up from the swing.. " Ohh no I am full and cold coffee was amazing I just loved it " I said smiling.. " It's nothing child.. Tell me if you need anything else okh " Saying this she walk away from there.. Think ashu think .. Idea..

I hurridly followed aunt toward the kitchen and asked ... "Aunty I need your help .. Will you help me please "  I asked with puppy eyes.. " Ohh God such a cute child you are obviously I would love to help you.. Tell me how can I help you "
She answered smiling as always.." Umm
Actually....Actually aunty I want to do something to lighten up his mood but I don't know what should I do.. Soo will you please suggest me.. I asked being little awkward..

Aunty held my hands and said.. " Great my child you noticed that nowadays he is working too much.. He leaves early and come around midnight.. He even stopped dropping and picking you up from the college.. I don't know what happened between you two.. But I am  happy that atleast you are trying to fix everything.. So why won't I help you.. " She said with a beautiful smile.. Thank you so much aunty.. " Ohh God don't thank me.. You are just like my daughter.. And a mother is bound to help there daughter isn't it.. "

I nodded my head and she said " Cook his favorite food, get ready in the most beautiful dress, decorate everything and when he come at night  serve him the food and talk whatever issue is there between you.. Okh " Idea is great but I don't know how to cook and if I am not wrong he loves to eat biryani.. I thought this and said.. " It won't work aunty "
Aunty looked at me with a question and said.. This is the oldest and best idea to fix a man.. Don't worry it will work baby " ... I again said.. " No issue is not that.. Issue is I don't know how to cook.. Then how can I serve him the food " ...

" Don't worry.. I will instruct and you just follow it and cook the dinner.. Now is that okhh.. " I hugged her and said " it's amazing.. But what will we cook aunty "
Come with me baby....


It's past 8 at night.. Everyone has already left the office.. Only me, shayam, aparna and his brother raman is here..they want to collaborate with us and I am still thinking weather I should do the collaboration or not.. Aparna was my classmate in college and trust me she is too clingy I never liked her at all.. She is not a one man women.. And her brother was our junior.. So I don't know much about him..... And now they are insisting me to take them for dinner and that also to my home.. Home... My ashu

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