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This is how srinivas is he shouts very very rarely.. But his words are enough to do the work.. But from last two days.. He is continuously like this... The moment he left his village.. He left his heart over there...and from last two days he has not heard her or seen her for one single time which is making him crazy....

That engagement night memories is still fresh in his mind... The way there bodys were tangled... Those glossy eyes, slightly open mouth, that kiss, her skin, those talk, the way her core was pulsating for him everything.. But again the moment he suddenly left her... He didn't wanted to hurt her that's why he left.. She is only twenty one... Too young for him and he is to much for her to take... That was wrong she is too young.. What if she had regretted that moment.. Then he would have died... To not hear any such things he hurriedly left from the room.. But only he knew how much torcher that was.. At that time of night.. He had to mustarbate and took a cold shower.. Next morning he went to her room to take last glance at her.. Because if she would wake up it would be too difficult for him to leave...

When he was leaving.. He took a picture of his sleeping baby and left... After that he took a flight came to vizag and then his whole day went in meeting and meeting.. Effect of two weeks leave... He didn't even got time to got fresh.. And at night he reached his penthouse .. He was so tired that after changing he directly went to sleep without eating.. And next  when he woke up it was already  afternoon...

Still he cooked got fresh and decided to call  his baby.. So he looked for his phone.. But for his good luck.. He didn't find his phone in the whole house and then it striked him.. That from last night he had not seen his phone.. He immediately opened his laptop and mailed his PA shyam to look in the restaurant he visited yesterday and shyam started doing his job but over her
Mr. Shrinu  was hell tensed...he can't loose that phone.. It had all her pictures and everything... Around night shyam reached his penthouse..

Sir i looked for your phone... But didn't find it..but dont worry sir i locked you number and everything and i bought the new phone.. But sir you have to wait till morning..Our technical team will bring all your old data in this phone.. Shyam informed shrinivas... Nodding his head shrinu dismissed shyam..

He is right it's too late.. He can wait till next morning.. Actually he have to he don't have any other option.. Thinking this he had his food and again sat to work... And then he slept.. Next morning when he reached his office arround ten the technical team was already working on his phone.. So till then he decided to attend the meetings and the first one was with the department heads.. Which he just finished now.. A knock on his cabin door broke his trance and he said come in...

His receptionist of his floor linda came in and informed him... Sir MR luis and his assistant is over here... But shyam didn't told me about this meeting.. Yes sir they suddenly came and want a meeting as he will leave for australia after an hour.. She said... He nodded his head and ask her to let them in because his phone is also not recovered yet.. So rather than waiting impatiently he can work.. So he had a meeting of half an hour with them and then they left...

As they left at that tine only shayam knocked the door ... Hearing a come in from his boss he entered and said... Sir
Mr. Shivkumar had called and asked about you... And he told me he was trying to call you but your phone was switched off.. So i informed him about your phone and everything.. So he asked me to tell you that when you get free.. Just make a call to him.. And hear your phone.. Everything is fixed in it..

Shrinivas immediately took the phone and hurriedly clicked on the name bhava and put the phone near his ears.. The phone was ringing and he hand gestured shayam to leave... Shyam immediately left closing the door and someone cut the call from opposite side... He stared at his phone and thought why did bhava cut the call.. So he again dialled it and this time someone received the call he immediately said "hello" But there was nothing from the other end... But he herd some rustling and then he heard his bhava's hello..

Sorry shrinu... Actually aishwarya mistakenly cut the call and she only received the call and and gave it to me.. Today is her first day of masters clases na so she left..

Hearing aishwarya he felt numb... His baby cut the call but why.... What do you except after leaving her like that and without giving her reason and then you didn't talked to her for whole two days.. This is nothing you deserve more and she has right to get angry... His inner self mocked him ... He came out of his thought when he heard his bhava saying hello... Shrinu are you there... Yes bhava please say... Okh.. Actually i wanted to say that..

Bye bye...

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