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Seriously one never know that in a minute or a second a beautiful day can turn into a bad day.. Currently this is going on with shrinu... So much is going on in his mind and heart and he can't even utter a word to anyone.. And this the worst because when one can't express what they are feeling.. These emotions form a bubble and it could burst on anyone at any situation.. ..

Shrinu was sitting on the stage.. As he already arrived to the reception venue. Ashu didn't came yet to the stage...... He was talking and smiling to everyone without showing his inner Turmoil  ..

Shrinu's pov :

After hearing krishna anna's thought on my marriage.. First i felt anger but later when i thought clearly then i understood he was saying right... Ashu is too young she might fall in love with someone else or she might think that bava did wrong with her, by marring her to me..

In next few years she will turn more beautiful and i will turn old what if she feel ashamed having me by her side.. I am right whatever I decided in evening i will do that only i will be with her until she like someone else or i will divorce her if she want so.. But for that i need to ask her and... And..

And i dont have guts to ask her this.. Common i married her yesterday only and today i can't ask for divorce from her
I love her so much. I finally got her after soo many years . I really really love her but loving someone means letting them free isn't it.. Yes i should do what i have decided.. But after somedays i will ask for divorce not now..

Suddenly music started playing and ashu entered in a beautiful baby pink sarre with a hint of white and gold making her more beautiful.. Everyone was aww with her beauty shrinu also came out of his thoughts hearing the music and saw the most beautiful woman standing in front of him.. His wife, his ashu, his baby his everything.. How can he let go of her. He want to grow old with her, have babies with her everything he want to do everything with her... But probably God has different plans and everytime you don't get whatever you wish for.. Probably this is what gonna happen with shrinu..

Ashu came and stand beside him... She was lost watching this man and thought..
This is my husband handsome tall intelligent.. Parameshwara how could i deserve him.. The man everybody dream about is mine in every aspect.. I love him so much. I can't imagine my life without him. I want to be with him in every step .
He is looking so handsome.. Ohh God what should i do.. I can't handle this thinking she averted her eyes because madam was continuously staring at her husband.

Shrinu being in his own misery and pretending to smile, he didn't noticed the love look and stares his wife was giving him.. If he would have noticed those stares then probably he would understand that how much this girl is crazy about him.. But he didn't noticed..

Like this whole evening went be meeting and greetings people, couple photoshoots and lots of dance , ashu's extream happiness and shrinus inner turmoil.. Finally at night they returned home and aishwarya was immediately taken to her sisters room and was bathed and changed into beautiful saree with jasmine flowers.. Making her extremely beautiful.. On the other side

Shrinu got ready and obviously nobody teased him because common everyone is scared of shrinu mama.. So he was safe from this side, so he went to his room and saw all the decoration done for there wedding night.. He slowly touched the flowers and smiled sadly  if everything would have been normal then tonight i would had a normal wedding night but no.. I can't.. Thinking this

He opened the gate of balcony and a strong wind hit his face.. He looked at the sky.. It's going to rain he thought and from this his thought went to how he would live without her.. But his chain of thoughts broke when suddenly the room door opened and with that lot of giggling sound came.. He turned and entered the room and saw ashu standing in the middle of the room with a glass of milk..

She was all red and shy..

"Come here " I called her . She walked toward me and stood in front of and slowly forwarded the glass toward me.. She is looking too cute.. I held her hand forwarded toward her mouth and said "Drink it"  .  "but" She uttered " shhh" And put the glass near her lips and she drank the whole glass leaving a little portion.. I drank that leftover milk and handed her the glass.. She walked away and kept it on the side table..

She is looking so beautiful.. Right now i want to put her on this bed and ravish her until every cell of hers remember whom she belongs to.. But but and but..
I again walked to the balcony and lit a cigarette to calm my wild hormones.. I took a deep puff and i felt little relaxed but i heard the anklet sound and next moment my little wife was glaring at me.

I immediately let go of the cigarette but not before taking two three puffs and fixed my hairs.. " I told you na not to smoke then why " She asked almost ordering.. "I will leave it.. Give me sometime" He said looking in my eyes.. Is something wrong with him.. He looked disturb,.....thinking this i tiptoed and came close to him . I held his hand and put it on my waist and rubbed my hand on his arms and slowly put my hands on his shoulder around his neck.."what happened are you tensed " I asked him..
Instantly his hold on my waist tighten and he pulled me toward him i smiled and held him more tight...

I was quietly watching her all actions the moment her body touched mine.. I instantly felt relaxed my every nerve calmed down.. So i held her tight.. But her next question put me in a thought of her leaving me.. So i instantly pulled her into me and she came more close to me.. She loves me right her these actions only prove she love me and she confessed also but what if by time her thought changes.. Fuck.. I held her more tight and rubbed my lips on her nape. She held me shirt tight and made little low sounds.. If i wouldn't be this close to her.. Even i would have not heard her... I kept kissing and rubbing her nape.. My hands started rubbing on her exposed back..

They were getting lost in each other loosing there control obviously ashu didn't even thought to control but shrinu did thought to control but he was loosing it.. Suddenly strong wind started blowing indicating it could rain any moment.. And this cold weather bring them more close to each other suddenly the windows closed with a bang and shrinu suddenly realize what he was doing he looked at ashu her red cheeks ,closed eyes and heavy breathing  made her look more ravishing but he can't do these with her when he have some other thought in his mind.. He kissed her forehead and said

" Ashu sleep .. These two days were too much for you.. Must be tired go sleep"
She looked confused at me.. I know what she is thinking but i didn't said anything and let her goo from my hold.. "But it's our wedding night " She said but we have whole life for this for now sleep baby tomorrow we have to leave also.. Saying this i put her on bed and off the lights.. Already due to this heavy wind all the flowers are scattered on floor.. It's good people will think we had our wedding night... Sighing i went to close the doors

By the time i came to bed she is already sleeping.. She must be tired i kissed her eyes and nose.. And kept staring at her lips.. I so badly want to eat them.. Should i kiss them for once.. Nothing would happen right.. I slowly bent and kissed her lips.. And i instantly moved back feeling her moving.. She moved and put her legs on mine and her head on my chest.. I smiled isn't it the most perfect position every man dream of and i am already living this moment.. I held her and instantly slept....

Next morning..

I updated after a long time soo sorry but what to do my exam were going on that's why.. Don't worry i will try to update as much as i can ... All my stories  will be updated soon so read.. Vote, comment and enjoy thank you sweethearts.....

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