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In evening Ashu wore a beautiful pink saree with light makeup, she let her waist length hair loose.. Satisfied with her look she went down the stairs and saw shrinu already sitting on the sofa with his phone on his ear talking to someone.. Ashu slowly went and stood right in front of him.. Ashu smiled seeing his expression. this means she is really looking beautiful..... His mouth was little open his eyes slightly big..

Shrinu was busy talking to shayam about ashu's college related stuff and didn't notice her coming.. But suddenly from nowhere she came and stood in front of him.. "She is looking soo beautiful.. Is she really mine.. Her eyes, the way she is smiling and the way this saree has hugged her body made her more beautiful.. I don't have words to describe her beauty " Shrinu was busy thinking all these when his trance was broken with a finger snap.. Then only he heard shyaam saying hello continuously..

"Fix everything and tomorrow i will be little late.." Saying this he disconnected the call and stood up from the sofa                " where were you lost .. I am calling since long " Ashu asked looking at him.. Shrinu looked at him.. It felt like he again went in some trance.. He came more close to her and put the loose hair strand behind her ear.. His fingers touched the back of her ear..and she closed her eyes feeling his fingers...

Shrinu was lost in her expression.. And kept doing the ministrations with his finger.. Both of them were lost in the beautiful romantic moment.. Which didn't last long and was disturbed by ashu's phone.. They both parted away abruptly.. Hearing the phone ring.. They both look hear and there as they were feeling awkward.. Ashu took out the phone from her purse and saw it's her amma calling... "It's amma " Saying this she received the call.. Shrinu thanked his sister in his mind and left from there saying " I am bringing the car.. Come after you finish talking.. " Ashu nodded her head and put the phone on ear..

Ashu was happily talking to her mother and forget the moment they were having before.. Whereas shrinu bought the car from parking and stood beside the car waiting for her.. " What i was doing.. What if something happen and she regret later.. Everytime i say i won't do anything and everytime i repeat the same thing.. But what can i do i try so hard to control but my all preparation fails when she stood in front of me.. Her expression when i was touching her.. I feel like i am addicted to that.. I want to see those expression again and again.. It can never be enough.. " Mama let's goo "

Shrinu turned around and saw her coming... She came out and saw his  mama standing facing the other side lost in his own thoughts .. Shrinu came and opened the gate for her.. She smiled at his gesture and sat inside. Then he himself sat inside and soon there car hit the road.. Ashu was watching everything like a exciting kid at this was a new place and shrinu was looking at her and then at road and it continued till they reach shopping mall....

Both of them enter the mall and shrinu was happy seeing her all happy and excited.. "Do you need anything else like clothes ,excessory makeup anything . Then we can buy that also " Shrinu asked taking her attention.. Ashu looked at him smiling and slowly held his hand.. Shrinu was doing happy dance that she held his hand.. His grip on her hand tighten and he kept staring at there entangled  hand.
"I think you forgot that four days ago only i got married so the things you are asking  me to buy .. I am already loaded with those.. So i only need my stationary items and a laptop that's it mama.. " Ashu answered all happy and smiling..

"Okh madam understood " Saying this he took her to the Apple Store and bought her the latest laptop and they continued roaming in the mall and bought all the necessary items ashu needed.. Shrinu also bought a apple tablet to her.. She denied allot for this much expense.. But shrinu didn't paid any heed to her words and bought everything she needed..

After sometimes they left the mall and head toward the restaurant.. They reached the restaurant and as the enter inside.. Ashu was amazed seeing the interior of the restaurant.. It was so classy and calming at the same time..
"Good evening sir... It's our pleasure to have you hear.. " Shrinu nodded his head acknowledging the managers words and said.. "As usual but for two.. " This way sir saying this he lead them and shrinu followed with ashu holding each other's hand..

They both sat in private space and ashu was happy as no one was there to watch them..ashu orders Chinese food and shrinu ordered same as her with a bottle of wine.. Within some time they got there food and both of them started eating.. Ashu drank lime soda and was happily enjoying the food.. Shrinu was once again in love with her seeing the way she was eating the food.. It was wholesome for his eyes.. "Mama eat is just yumm " Ashu said he nodded at her words but kept staring  at her..

His moment was disturbed by a waiter.. Who came with a bottle of wine which he ordered... Shrinu was impatiently waiting for him to leave as soon as possible.. But he got angry when he noticed that waiter is looking at his wife..
Ashu also looked at the waiter and she was shocked..  "Rahul  you here.. Man what are you doing here " ....."Aishwarya you Remember me.I thought you might have forgot me.. " The waiter named rahul decently answered..." Aie no no common how can i forgot the topper of our school but didn't you came to this city for engineering.. Then what is this " Ashu said and stood up in front of him..
"I am a engineering student and this is my part time job idiot " He said knocking on her forehead.. " Ouch it hurts when you will stop doing this dumbo"..saying this she hit him and they both shared a friendly hug .. "What are you doing here".. Rahul asked her .." Ohh i got married and i am staying in this city with my husband.. " They both heard a loud crack and looked at shrinu.. Ashu was shocked seeing shrinu's bleeding hand and immediately came near him and held his bleeding hand...

"What happened how did you got hurt.. Ohh God you are bleeding so much". Ashu asked getting all worried   ... "It's nothing baby i am fine the glass probably had a crack so it broke that's it.. " He said withdrawing his hand from her hand and with other hand he patted her head..
Ashu didn't like the withdrawal of his hand from hers but didn't said anything as she thought it must be paining... She hurriedly took her handkerchief and tied around his hand .. "Let's go to the doctor"
'No i am fine it's nothing.. And you already tied this hanky it's not bleeding so it's fine " He answered back and made her sit on the chair.. Then he turned around and shaked his bleeding hand with him.. Rahul was uncomfortable still somehow did it.. " I am your friends husband " Nice to meet you man.. Quiet hardworking you are.. Shrinu smiled and talked to him naturally like nothing happened.. He normally talked to each other forgetting his wound.. And he has happy again seeing her all happy and smily again..

Ashu keep talking about his friends to shrinu.. How the met and became friends and every other things.. Shrinu was smiling and hearing her words but only he knows how much everything was hurting him.. He knows it's baseless but still he didn't like anything specially them touching each other and how there whole dinner date went by her talking about rahul and other friends and shrinu staring at her without any disturbance which is best and every other things was wrong...

They both finished there dinner and left from the restaurant not before saying a buy to that rahul friend of hers .. Let's go for a walk.. Ashu said.. Shrinu nodded her head and they where happily walking talking about the food and other things.. And shrinu was hearing everything carefully with a jealousy and anger inside his head and heart..... They were walking but suddenly the wind got little strong and within a minute it started raining.. But the both ran toward there parked car and sat inside.. But they were wet till the sat inside the car.. Ashu took the tissue and was busy wiping herself.. When shrinu's eyes went to her and he felt like time stopped around them..

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