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After sometime shrinu stood up from the
Chair by carrying ashu like a backpack.. Ashu also held his neck and secured her leg around his waist and continue to close her eyes and sleep on his chest.. Shrinu entered inside the bedroom and took her in the closet and made her sit.. Ashu opend her eyes and let him goo.. He left from there and took her night clothes and handed it to her and said.." Change and come outside.. And if u need anything i am right outside call me " He kissed her forehead and took his clothes and left from there.. Ashu immediately covered her face like a shy little kid and both of them get freshed..

Both of them headed down stairs and had there food by shrinu feeding her and himself both . . And soon both of them retired to the bed.. Where ashu was half laying on shrinu and he was happily looking at her by occasionally kissing her face making her all happy.. Both of them where lost in there own world when suddenly ashu's phone rang bringing them out of there own little world.. Who called at this time.. That also me " Ashu and shrinu both thought the same thing..

Ashu got up from his arms and took her phone which was showing sheetal... And she was going to receive it when call got disconnected.. And then only ashu got a notification of 32 missed calls from sheetal and 20 missed calls from rahul since yesterday.. " Holy fuck i forgot to call her.. I remembered i dialled her number and then mama disconnected the phone and threw it.. "Who called you at this time " Shrinu asked curiously.. "Sheetal " Answered ashu and again sheetal's call entered... Ashu immediately received the phone and put it on her ear.

Ashu's ear got blessed with few most amazing words in the world which she don't wish to hear again " Are you dead or what you idiot " ?? Or i thought i have to immediately file a missing complain about you that my friend is missing please find her.. ??? What what do you wanted me to do.. So that you would receive your call...first you called me yesterday and i kept doing hello !hello! and you didn't said anything and suddenly i felt someone threw the phone away and i kept calling you getting tensed..and i even  asked rahul to call and check on you but you gave the same response which you gave me bitch  Sheetal kept questioning her continuously and ashu was trying to speak whereas shrinu decided to play with her.. And started disturbing her by playing with her boobs which become more difficult for ashu..

Ashu slightly slapped on his hand and glared at him.. Shrinu stooped for a minute and ashu said "calm down devi.. It was jut a mistake i called to talk to you.. To know what happened about you guys but suddenly my phone fell and it got hanged and at that moment only my husband called me soo i went down stairs.. Really sorry.. Really really sorry and then it was little busy soo i didn't came up with time to call you"... Ashu somehow spoke all these.. And shrinu again started to play with her boobs..

" Okay this is your first time that's why i am letting you goo if next time you do this i will kill you.. Understand " She asked... Ashu smiled and " said ahh un understood madam.. " .. What happened you okay na.. Asked a Concerned sheetal
Ashu once again slapped his hand and once again he stopped.. "Nothing i am okay " Ashu immediately answered..

Okay listen tomorrow i and rahul are getting engaged soo i want you and your husband to be present in our engagement and i won't hear any if and buts.. Sheetal informed ashu.. Ashu jumped on bed in happiness and said" ohh God congratulations my girl finally you guys are officially being together ohh God this is  just amazing.. I am sooooooo much happy for you.. But wait saying this she stood silently and said how can you guys get engaged this soon i mean your parents agreed soo quickly... " Sheetal laughed hard and said "this is the twist you idiot.. Our parents fixed us in arrange setup and when we saw each other then we come to know we are getting married to each other that's why it's tomorrow evening soo be on time understood "

Ashu sat on bed and said " Ohh hooo someone is having love come arranged marriage great guys... And yes madam understood we will be there.. Okay and after sharing some more conversation and plesentries they kept the phone aside.. Ashu immediately hugged shrinu and narrated the whole thing.. Soi tomorrow you are coming with me.. Understood " Shrinu removed a hair strand from her face and said.." What i will doo there.. All your young friends and collage mates will be there "

Ashu smiled and said idiot it's just a intimate family function soo no body will be there except her family and few close relatives and me and my husband.. Understood.. Shrinu nodded his head hearing her words.. " Soo finish all your meeting little early tomorrow as you will join me... Now i am too tired i will sleep.. Saying this ashu snuggled more into him and immediately fell into sleep.. Shrinu kept creasing her head and thought.. She is taking me because there will be no one from her college is she ashamed to show me as her husband.. But she love me.. Even after coming at this stage of our relationship does she think this.. Ahhh my head will blast.. Better i sleep.. He turned held her tight and slept...

Next day shrinu woke up and left for his office as usual with a kiss on his sleeping baby's face and not to forget her lips... He also left a note saying.. "Going to office didn't had a heart to woke you up .. Soo have your food on time and call me if you need anything and see soon my love.. "
Whole day shrinu kept doing his work and meetings as he didn't even got time to had lunch but still at the back of the mind there last night conversation was still disturbing him allot...still he ignored it as much as he can and .. He called ashu twice but she didn't picked it up and when ashu called his phone was on silent soo he didn't even knew she called..

Ashu got ready in a beautiful lavender colour saree looking like a diva.. Letting her hair loose with minimal makeup.. She was busy in wearing her lipstick when she heard the car horn.. She immediately ran toward the balcony and saw his car entering the premises.. He stepped out of the car and his eyes travelled to his balcony and he saw a  figure standing there and they both looked at each other.. Ashu immediately entered back into her room and again started wearing her lipstick with a smile on her face.. Only her heart and eyes know how much she missed him and how many times she talked to his big portrait.....

Shrinu enterd his room and the sight in front of him made him completely relaxed...he saw his beautiful wife busy in looking for something in her jewellery box.. He left his coat and immediately picked her up and twirled around.. Making her all happy.. Finally he put her on her feet and said you are looking ravishing.. Let's cancel this party and let me stare at you whole night... Ashu smiled at his words and turned around.. Shrinu pulled her arm and looked deep in her eyes.. Ashu got little conscious.. He lift her chin up and smudged her lipstick and kissed her... Ashu also reciprocated the kiss and finally he left her when both of there lips had little lipstick.. " You will be death of mine " As soon as he utterd this she kept her hand on his mouth and said.. Stop speaking nonsense and get ready and i have to also fix myself.. Saying this she pushed him in closet and came out..

Both of them got ready soon and left there house to attend the function.. With an hour and fifteen minute ride they both reached at her friends house.. Both of them stepped out and driver parked the car.. Shrinu looked at the surrounding and it was decent looking area.. It was a beautiful two floor house with a small garden in front and a small main gate... Ashu held shrinu's hand and both of them smiled at each other and entered the house ...

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